Turn Back Time - Patch #95

Close your eyes and drift away, away to a match we all know and remember, to a match where you missed lethal 😭
“What?!” The word bursts out of your mouth as you end your turn and time slows to a halt. You watch in horror, mouth agape, as the enemy’s Fireball soars over the field of battle and splashes across your hero, taking your precious health to 0.
Now open your eyes. Seize your smartphone. Take hold of your tablet. Manipulate your mouse. Sprint over to your profile page, and tap the replay button on that match. Go back and find the lethal move you missed.
“Next time, they’ll eat that fireball.”
You grin to yourself, and enter the Conquest queue, knowing that whoever matches against you is in for the game of their life.

📺 Switch sides to figure out how your opponent got that 10 mana creature out on turn 3!
New Features ⭐
- Added Replays! Watch a replay by going to your Profile -> Matches, or by clicking “Watch Replay” in the Settings menu at the end of a game. Share a link with your friends, watch your opponents’ moves, analyze your gameplay, and more! You don't need a Skyweaver account to watch a replay through a link.
- Push notifications! You’ll see a prompt asking you if you’d like notifications from Skyweaver - we’ll send notifications about patch notes, special events, and more :)
Improvements 🦾
- Improved some UI in-game on the VS screen & Options menu.
- Added variations of the Death trigger sound.
- Added an animation for Deep Xlice, Scythe Mantis, and element-specific animations for Glorious Mane.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Attachment animations like the electric crackle from Zap no longer appear when a card is Conjured.
- Disconnecting & Reconnecting from the Internet during Card Selection no longer changes the Deck Sidebar button into the Action History button.
- Fixed a bug where Jungle Guide could trigger on 0c cards.
- Fixed a bug where switching to a leaderboard section that has no players would show the players from the last section you had open.
- Fixed the particles from the turn timer rendering on top of the options menu.
Welcome to Patch #95 everyone! It's another fairly small one this week, just focusing on adjusting some problematic cards in the meta, buffing a few underperformers to enhance some aggressive strategies and giving some underused cards a bit of new life.
Only cards with modified discovery odds are shown here, but the CSV contains all cards.
ID | Name | Prism | Discovery Rate | Discovery Rate Change | Conquest Discovery Winrate | Ranked Discovery Winrate |
1050 | Backstab | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.26% | 50.79% |
1098 | Blitz | agy | 1.321% | -0.094% | 50.56% | 48.65% |
1016 | Canopy Archer | agy | 0.849% | +0.189% | 52.20% | 51.69% |
1081 | Fire Rune | agy | 0.566% | -0.377% | 53.19% | 50.89% |
1087 | Fly Guy | agy | 0.755% | +0.189% | 52.48% | 52.12% |
1070 | Fox Familiar | agy | 0.755% | +0.189% | 52.62% | 51.91% |
1088 | Frost Claw | agy | 1.226% | -0.094% | 50.64% | 49.10% |
1004 | Kook Book | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.99% | 50.25% |
1086 | Puppet Strings | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.61% | 50.89% |
1013 | Saber | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 52.47% | 51.86% |
1051 | Skip | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 52.52% | 51.50% |
1026 | Yellowjack | agy | 0.943% | +0.094% | 51.75% | 50.90% |
1017 | Anoint in Flame | agy | 1.321% | -0.094% | 49.75% | 48.61% |
1073 | Chain Golem | agy | 1.132% | +0.283% | 51.03% | 51.01% |
1037 | Hannah | agy | 0.943% | -0.189% | 51.89% | 50.44% |
1056 | Headcase | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 52.50% | 51.39% |
1028 | Huntaro | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 53.00% | 51.30% |
1082 | Impostor | agy | 1.226% | +0.189% | 50.94% | 50.63% |
1021 | Lightning Vial | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 51.64% | 50.50% |
1025 | Noctourna | agy | 1.132% | +0.472% | 51.11% | 51.51% |
1032 | Pair of Jacks | agy | 0.472% | -0.377% | 54.16% | 50.91% |
1064 | Pistol Shrimp | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.75% | 51.05% |
1080 | Shredder | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.81% | 51.21% |
1052 | Snap Trap | agy | 0.849% | -0.094% | 52.31% | 50.75% |
1045 | Supersonic | agy | 0.849% | -0.189% | 52.18% | 50.51% |
1068 | Vyper Ambush | agy | 1.226% | +0.283% | 50.72% | 50.69% |
1000 | Wane Blade | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 51.12% | 50.19% |
1094 | Xero | agy | 0.943% | -0.283% | 51.95% | 50.10% |
1031 | Bolt | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.69% | 50.93% |
1007 | Burn Out | agy | 1.038% | -0.189% | 51.46% | 49.70% |
1059 | Card Sling | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.97% | 51.20% |
1048 | Deep Xlice | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 51.11% | 49.88% |
1043 | Ember Mask | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.38% | 49.20% |
1011 | Fan of Knives | agy | 0.566% | -0.094% | 53.68% | 51.75% |
1019 | Gale | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.33% | 49.13% |
1077 | Honk | agy | 0.849% | -0.094% | 52.03% | 50.81% |
1054 | Hot Dog | agy | 0.943% | -0.283% | 51.68% | 49.90% |
1093 | Lau Sensei | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 52.18% | 51.24% |
1010 | Pandora | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.60% | 50.30% |
1105 | Raze the Banners | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 47.63% | 49.07% |
1089 | Righteous | agy | 0.943% | +0.189% | 51.98% | 51.14% |
1092 | Run Wild | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 52.15% | 51.26% |
1076 | Speed Boots | agy | 1.321% | -0.094% | 49.98% | 48.38% |
1104 | Swarmsinger | agy | 0.660% | -0.283% | 53.17% | 50.82% |
1099 | Tox | agy | 0.849% | +0.189% | 52.18% | 51.38% |
1033 | Trailblazer | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 51.16% | 50.06% |
1029 | Treasure Chest | agy | 0.943% | -0.283% | 51.62% | 50.06% |
1067 | Vyper Charmer | agy | 0.849% | +0.283% | 52.30% | 52.05% |
1095 | Crusher | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 51.66% | 50.60% |
1005 | Drum Up | agy | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.20% | 50.34% |
1069 | Flank Rider | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.88% | 50.97% |
1038 | Hail of Arrows | agy | 0.755% | -0.094% | 52.40% | 51.02% |
1014 | Head in the Clouds | agy | 1.038% | -0.189% | 51.51% | 49.69% |
1065 | Mamba | agy | 0.849% | -0.094% | 52.06% | 50.70% |
1057 | Riptide | agy | 0.755% | -0.189% | 52.40% | 50.80% |
1075 | Strige Strike | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 51.92% | 50.53% |
1071 | Sworn Oni | agy | 1.226% | +0.189% | 50.94% | 50.53% |
1018 | Uppercut | agy | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.52% | 50.47% |
1008 | Zapeta | agy | 0.472% | -0.094% | 54.16% | 52.12% |
1055 | Zoomie | agy | 0.943% | -0.283% | 51.63% | 50.07% |
1083 | Blademaster | agy | 1.321% | +0.472% | 50.38% | 50.96% |
1096 | Dead Beats | agy | 0.943% | -0.189% | 52.00% | 50.35% |
1078 | Flame Volley | agy | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.08% | 50.63% |
1030 | Flock | agy | 0.660% | -0.472% | 52.85% | 50.37% |
1097 | Gusto's Retort | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.24% | 50.74% |
1034 | King Slay | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 52.31% | 51.29% |
1012 | Plane Ranger | agy | 0.943% | +0.283% | 51.97% | 51.81% |
1009 | Toh Tem | agy | 0.566% | +0.094% | 53.88% | 52.95% |
1015 | Catch! | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 52.03% | 50.68% |
1003 | Hurricane | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.83% | 50.36% |
1049 | Queen of Jacks | agy | 1.038% | +0.283% | 51.47% | 51.20% |
1024 | Scythe Mantis | agy | 0.943% | +0.094% | 51.93% | 51.14% |
1002 | Trydra | agy | 1.321% | +0.660% | 50.53% | 51.57% |
1074 | Mountain Lion | agy | 0.566% | +0.094% | 53.29% | 52.94% |
1061 | Norsudovest | agy | 1.226% | +0.377% | 50.59% | 51.09% |
1046 | Supercharge | agy | 1.132% | -0.189% | 51.05% | 49.68% |
3018 | Avatar of Light | hrt | 1.038% | -0.047% | 44.74% | 47.40% |
3025 | Bad Dreams | hrt | 0.660% | -0.047% | 42.13% | 45.58% |
3011 | Bone Mask | hrt | 0.755% | -0.047% | 42.98% | 46.46% |
3016 | Buckler Up | hrt | 0.896% | +0.094% | 43.72% | 46.21% |
3051 | Crypto | hrt | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.74% | 48.79% |
3061 | Dark Rune | hrt | 0.896% | +0.094% | 43.82% | 46.21% |
3105 | Food Chain | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 39.17% | 44.56% |
3000 | Fun Guy | hrt | 0.660% | -0.519% | 42.68% | 48.11% |
3065 | Grubbs | hrt | 0.849% | +0.047% | 43.38% | 46.15% |
3036 | Icaru | hrt | 1.321% | +0.142% | 48.28% | 48.55% |
3005 | Jacko | hrt | 0.755% | -0.047% | 43.19% | 46.61% |
3094 | Krystal | hrt | 1.132% | +0.047% | 45.48% | 47.47% |
3035 | Light Rune | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 41.33% | 45.55% |
3091 | Pyrecrafter | hrt | 1.226% | +0.047% | 46.08% | 48.66% |
3093 | See Shore | hrt | 1.132% | +0.189% | 45.05% | 46.87% |
3084 | Shade | hrt | 0.896% | -0.189% | 43.91% | 47.55% |
3069 | Toil & Trouble | hrt | 0.991% | +0.189% | 44.33% | 46.28% |
3039 | Vialet | hrt | 1.038% | -0.142% | 44.65% | 48.32% |
3015 | Undragon | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 41.79% | 46.14% |
3029 | Beloved | hrt | 0.660% | -0.047% | 42.37% | 45.86% |
3102 | Broom Shroom | hrt | 1.321% | +0.377% | 46.70% | 46.89% |
3085 | Burning Blade | hrt | 0.849% | -0.236% | 43.43% | 47.47% |
3083 | Carrion Crow | hrt | 0.755% | -0.047% | 42.91% | 46.35% |
3089 | Eye Spider | hrt | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.50% | 48.64% |
3055 | Friendly Fawn | hrt | 1.226% | +0.142% | 45.93% | 47.92% |
3082 | Glacia | hrt | 0.991% | -0.189% | 44.41% | 48.58% |
3032 | Gus | hrt | 1.321% | +0.142% | 46.14% | 48.77% |
3097 | Homebrew | hrt | 0.896% | -0.047% | 44.01% | 47.37% |
3020 | Identity Crisis | hrt | 0.660% | -0.283% | 42.55% | 46.93% |
3072 | Impale | hrt | 1.132% | +0.330% | 44.98% | 46.64% |
3040 | Light Knight | hrt | 0.991% | -0.189% | 44.36% | 48.77% |
3078 | Molten Heart | hrt | 0.755% | +0.047% | 43.19% | 45.10% |
3090 | Opal Golem | hrt | 1.321% | +0.142% | 46.13% | 48.55% |
3067 | Shoal Siren | hrt | 1.038% | -0.047% | 44.69% | 47.96% |
3044 | Sick Burn | hrt | 0.896% | +0.189% | 43.59% | 45.30% |
3104 | Strige Swarm | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 37.46% | 42.66% |
3030 | Take Flight | hrt | 0.660% | -0.047% | 42.31% | 44.63% |
3046 | Teenage Witch | hrt | 0.991% | -0.094% | 44.63% | 47.65% |
3001 | Unfallow | hrt | 0.991% | +0.047% | 44.64% | 47.27% |
3064 | Wed Dead | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 41.79% | 45.12% |
3007 | Xythe | hrt | 1.321% | +0.236% | 47.27% | 48.00% |
3101 | Bouran's Ethos | hrt | 1.038% | +0.236% | 44.89% | 46.63% |
3096 | Chester | hrt | 1.132% | +0.047% | 45.22% | 47.97% |
3087 | Chill | hrt | 1.132% | +0.189% | 44.98% | 46.99% |
3038 | Dark Adept | hrt | 0.896% | -0.189% | 43.68% | 48.02% |
3060 | Dead Weight | hrt | 1.132% | +0.189% | 45.47% | 46.68% |
3008 | Forest Fire | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 41.49% | 45.72% |
3026 | Funeral Moon | hrt | 0.991% | +0.283% | 44.25% | 45.88% |
3021 | Gift of Qai | hrt | 0.660% | -0.047% | 41.88% | 45.51% |
3004 | Grimlord | hrt | 0.849% | -0.236% | 43.47% | 47.89% |
3081 | Hexed Doll | hrt | 1.132% | +0.189% | 45.12% | 47.30% |
3070 | Life Stream | hrt | 0.755% | +0.047% | 43.17% | 45.79% |
3057 | Meranda | hrt | 1.038% | -0.047% | 44.89% | 47.76% |
3037 | Old Fogy | hrt | 0.849% | -0.330% | 43.41% | 48.21% |
3019 | Olympia | hrt | 1.038% | +0.094% | 44.77% | 47.35% |
3099 | Phoenix Plume | hrt | 0.660% | -0.047% | 42.24% | 45.34% |
3006 | Soul Guide | hrt | 0.991% | -0.189% | 44.52% | 48.27% |
3056 | Spore Blast | hrt | 0.849% | -0.236% | 43.47% | 47.78% |
3053 | Temple Watch | hrt | 0.991% | +0.189% | 44.49% | 46.21% |
3068 | Trident True | hrt | 1.132% | +0.047% | 45.34% | 48.00% |
3041 | Twisted Metal | hrt | 0.896% | +0.094% | 43.82% | 46.44% |
3027 | Undragon's Pact | hrt | 0.566% | -0.142% | 39.34% | 44.64% |
3092 | Vanessa | hrt | 1.038% | -0.047% | 44.90% | 48.06% |
3066 | Vishiva | hrt | 1.226% | +0.283% | 45.89% | 47.14% |
3042 | Angelo | hrt | 0.896% | -0.047% | 43.85% | 46.94% |
3103 | Bewitching Brew | hrt | 0.660% | -0.142% | 42.08% | 46.58% |
3052 | Blood Hunter | hrt | 0.896% | -0.189% | 43.68% | 47.46% |
3095 | Casket | hrt | 1.038% | -0.142% | 44.70% | 48.07% |
3086 | Chain Storm | hrt | 1.038% | +0.330% | 44.66% | 45.55% |
3073 | Chief Justice | hrt | 1.321% | +0.236% | 46.18% | 47.53% |
3047 | Cleo | hrt | 1.321% | +0.142% | 46.79% | 49.03% |
3024 | Death's King | hrt | 0.755% | +0.047% | 43.19% | 45.87% |
3028 | Dirge | hrt | 0.755% | -0.330% | 42.87% | 47.65% |
3058 | Eclipse | hrt | 1.321% | +0.142% | 46.77% | 48.20% |
3075 | Evermore | hrt | 0.991% | +0.189% | 44.17% | 46.64% |
3003 | Flame Phoenix | hrt | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.67% | 48.45% |
3048 | Full Bloom | hrt | 0.849% | +0.047% | 43.43% | 46.43% |
3017 | Glacial Tomb | hrt | 0.660% | -0.047% | 42.21% | 46.02% |
3098 | Ma Shroom | hrt | 0.896% | -0.283% | 43.74% | 48.97% |
3031 | Mind Control | hrt | 1.226% | +0.142% | 45.67% | 47.85% |
3023 | Raise Arms | hrt | 1.226% | +0.283% | 45.82% | 47.13% |
3009 | Swamp Walker | hrt | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.55% | 48.47% |
3088 | Bill | hrt | 0.991% | +0.047% | 44.32% | 47.33% |
3071 | Cosmicon | hrt | 1.321% | +0.519% | 46.13% | 46.59% |
3010 | Doom Shroom | hrt | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.83% | 48.21% |
3012 | Earth Golem | hrt | 1.132% | +0.189% | 45.08% | 46.87% |
3013 | Forest Hart | hrt | 0.849% | -0.236% | 43.33% | 47.79% |
3074 | Gravekin | hrt | 0.849% | +0.142% | 43.28% | 46.03% |
3080 | Hope | hrt | 1.321% | +0.142% | 46.15% | 48.34% |
3062 | Scorpio | hrt | 0.566% | -0.377% | 41.77% | 46.73% |
3043 | Second Chance | hrt | 0.896% | -0.047% | 44.13% | 47.19% |
3077 | Three Lashes | hrt | 1.038% | +0.094% | 44.81% | 47.33% |
3076 | Wartlock | hrt | 0.991% | +0.047% | 44.32% | 46.82% |
3034 | Bard Rock | hrt | 0.566% | -0.236% | 41.47% | 46.66% |
3059 | Glacial Hulk | hrt | 0.755% | -0.330% | 42.81% | 47.55% |
3050 | Undergrowth | hrt | 0.755% | -0.047% | 42.68% | 46.31% |
3022 | Wall of Dead | hrt | 1.132% | +0.189% | 44.99% | 47.20% |
3002 | Allbane | hrt | 0.991% | +0.189% | 44.13% | 46.60% |
3033 | Broodwitch | hrt | 0.566% | -0.377% | 41.78% | 47.30% |
3054 | Jar of Souls | hrt | 0.849% | -0.094% | 43.23% | 46.84% |
3079 | Maw Worm | hrt | 0.755% | -0.047% | 42.98% | 46.50% |
3063 | Ancients Rise | hrt | 0.660% | -0.142% | 42.55% | 46.33% |
3049 | Grave Roil | hrt | 0.849% | +0.142% | 43.50% | 46.04% |
3045 | Hydrex | hrt | 0.896% | -0.047% | 43.74% | 47.17% |
3100 | Pharonis | hrt | 0.991% | -0.189% | 44.15% | 49.06% |
3014 | Smite | hrt | 0.896% | +0.094% | 43.54% | 46.48% |
4016 | Alight | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 47.70% | 46.87% |
4101 | Ari's Insight | int | 0.849% | +0.142% | 47.70% | 46.34% |
4020 | B Unit | int | 0.943% | -0.236% | 49.17% | 49.08% |
4038 | Cinder | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 48.34% | 47.57% |
4074 | Doubling Cube | int | 0.943% | +0.236% | 49.13% | 46.52% |
4095 | Eye Spy | int | 1.132% | +0.330% | 50.75% | 47.27% |
4091 | Forcefield | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 47.80% | 46.77% |
4042 | Gato | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 51.33% | 48.07% |
4028 | Ghost Duster | int | 0.896% | +0.094% | 48.20% | 46.63% |
4073 | Glitter | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 48.87% | 47.96% |
4052 | Hax | int | 0.755% | -0.047% | 46.11% | 46.99% |
4046 | Mulch | int | 1.085% | +0.142% | 50.51% | 47.50% |
4029 | Shockpaw | int | 1.038% | -0.047% | 50.29% | 48.09% |
4031 | Water Rune | int | 1.132% | +0.330% | 51.20% | 47.07% |
4034 | Whipvine | int | 1.085% | -0.094% | 50.46% | 49.69% |
4006 | Wing Construct | int | 0.802% | +0.094% | 47.35% | 46.09% |
4070 | Iron Mask | int | 0.755% | +0.047% | 45.15% | 45.89% |
4088 | Angler | int | 1.038% | +0.236% | 50.00% | 46.53% |
4062 | Bauble | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 49.41% | 48.27% |
4067 | Bubbles | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 49.40% | 48.17% |
4061 | Cobalt | int | 0.755% | -0.189% | 46.38% | 47.31% |
4037 | Cross Reference | int | 1.038% | +0.330% | 50.02% | 46.05% |
4075 | Deactivate | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 49.74% | 47.86% |
4026 | Electron | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 49.72% | 48.46% |
4066 | Fish | int | 0.802% | +0.094% | 47.17% | 46.34% |
4096 | Germinate | int | 0.943% | +0.236% | 48.55% | 45.47% |
4041 | Ivy | int | 1.038% | -0.142% | 50.04% | 48.62% |
4098 | Jackrabbit | int | 0.896% | -0.283% | 48.24% | 48.55% |
4076 | Mad Hat | int | 0.896% | -0.283% | 48.16% | 48.62% |
4036 | Mad Vibes | int | 1.132% | -0.047% | 51.21% | 48.61% |
4058 | Mutate | int | 0.943% | +0.142% | 48.75% | 46.98% |
4093 | Professor | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 49.65% | 47.99% |
4082 | Rage Cage | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 49.01% | 48.07% |
4063 | Sparky | int | 1.085% | -0.094% | 50.63% | 49.01% |
4015 | Starfield | int | 0.802% | -0.142% | 47.42% | 47.30% |
4099 | Subjugate | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 47.59% | 47.15% |
4014 | Sudden Gust | int | 0.943% | +0.236% | 48.72% | 46.28% |
4060 | Teleport | int | 0.896% | -0.189% | 48.48% | 47.96% |
4054 | Think Twice | int | 0.802% | +0.094% | 47.44% | 45.43% |
4000 | Blow Away | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 47.71% | 47.52% |
4009 | Clone Army | int | 0.849% | +0.142% | 47.59% | 45.46% |
4044 | Coal Dozer | int | 0.755% | +0.047% | 46.84% | 46.15% |
4084 | Defragment | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 49.06% | 48.15% |
4039 | Doctor Vile | int | 0.755% | -0.047% | 46.85% | 47.25% |
4033 | Electric Eel | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 49.35% | 47.78% |
4072 | Enfuego | int | 1.085% | -0.094% | 50.35% | 48.50% |
4104 | Frostmaiden | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 47.86% | 47.75% |
4103 | Gift of Yxxath | int | 0.802% | +0.094% | 47.02% | 44.70% |
4049 | Illusion | int | 0.802% | +0.094% | 47.48% | 46.45% |
4090 | Leonitus | int | 1.132% | -0.047% | 50.82% | 49.05% |
4078 | Mechabun | int | 1.085% | -0.094% | 50.34% | 49.43% |
4056 | Nessie | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 50.96% | 47.92% |
4059 | Overmind | int | 0.896% | +0.189% | 47.97% | 45.71% |
4079 | Savage Garden | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 48.56% | 47.76% |
4025 | Seek | int | 0.896% | +0.189% | 47.87% | 46.12% |
4035 | Shrink Ray | int | 0.943% | +0.142% | 48.70% | 47.11% |
4097 | Soul Shield | int | 0.755% | -0.047% | 45.65% | 46.84% |
4077 | Supermind | int | 1.132% | -0.047% | 52.10% | 48.66% |
4002 | Trapper Keeper | int | 0.991% | -0.189% | 49.64% | 48.61% |
4030 | Trinketeer | int | 0.991% | +0.189% | 49.87% | 47.14% |
4024 | Volcanic Potion | int | 0.943% | +0.236% | 49.36% | 46.47% |
4001 | Wicked Twister | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 47.89% | 47.61% |
4094 | Andromeda | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 49.98% | 47.40% |
4008 | Anti Mago | int | 0.802% | -0.142% | 47.25% | 47.42% |
4105 | Eliminate | int | 0.755% | +0.047% | 46.38% | 44.78% |
4043 | Gear Grind | int | 0.991% | +0.189% | 49.57% | 47.13% |
4085 | Lilly | int | 1.132% | -0.047% | 50.67% | 49.02% |
4050 | Manage Memory | int | 0.802% | +0.094% | 47.45% | 45.51% |
4089 | Nakamoto | int | 1.038% | -0.142% | 50.29% | 48.46% |
4051 | Necrosiss | int | 0.991% | -0.189% | 49.94% | 48.84% |
4048 | Octomage | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 49.62% | 47.48% |
4010 | Tempest Brew | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.14% | 47.54% |
4003 | Tooth Hurty | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 47.81% | 46.72% |
4081 | Vial Vendor | int | 0.943% | +0.142% | 48.72% | 46.76% |
4011 | Encapsulate | int | 1.085% | +0.142% | 50.58% | 47.51% |
4004 | Frigid Blizzard | int | 0.943% | -0.236% | 49.14% | 48.52% |
4021 | Hive | int | 1.132% | -0.047% | 51.40% | 49.67% |
4055 | It's a Trap! | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.18% | 47.52% |
4100 | Mercurial Mimic | int | 0.943% | +0.236% | 49.02% | 46.18% |
4092 | Puppet Master | int | 0.896% | +0.094% | 48.22% | 46.68% |
4023 | Sapphire | int | 0.849% | -0.236% | 47.55% | 47.88% |
4069 | Timber | int | 1.132% | -0.047% | 50.66% | 49.91% |
4087 | Anchor Drop | int | 0.943% | +0.142% | 48.73% | 47.18% |
4045 | Frog King | int | 1.085% | +0.142% | 50.42% | 47.52% |
4007 | Mass Confuse | int | 1.038% | -0.142% | 50.20% | 48.72% |
4032 | Orion | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 48.33% | 47.75% |
4086 | Shell Officer | int | 1.038% | -0.142% | 50.18% | 48.87% |
4053 | Soul Forge | int | 0.755% | +0.047% | 46.08% | 45.01% |
4040 | Extinction Event | int | 0.943% | +0.142% | 49.18% | 46.78% |
4083 | Magnanimous | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 47.86% | 47.74% |
4064 | Enigma Golem | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 49.22% | 48.08% |
4071 | Gemini | int | 0.991% | -0.189% | 49.94% | 48.77% |
4068 | Krakus | int | 1.038% | -0.047% | 50.25% | 48.44% |
4012 | Cryogen | int | 0.755% | -0.189% | 46.89% | 47.45% |
4022 | Floodwater | int | 0.755% | +0.047% | 46.56% | 44.87% |
4019 | Cast in Chrome | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 48.64% | 47.92% |
51 | Amalgam | str | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.72% | 51.94% |
32 | Arcane Ray | str | 0.849% | -0.189% | 47.70% | 50.93% |
33 | Axolotl | str | 0.708% | -0.425% | 49.26% | 50.42% |
10 | Call to Action | str | 0.708% | -0.142% | 48.85% | 51.57% |
86 | Earth Rune | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 46.79% | 49.93% |
27 | Ember Wolf | str | 1.179% | +0.425% | 46.30% | 51.75% |
42 | Engine Blade | str | 1.085% | +0.519% | 46.93% | 52.48% |
100 | Icy Touch | str | 0.849% | -0.283% | 47.71% | 50.69% |
60 | Metal Rune | str | 1.179% | -0.142% | 46.63% | 49.46% |
65 | On the Hunt | str | 0.708% | -0.236% | 48.54% | 51.17% |
85 | Skeeter | str | 1.132% | +0.189% | 46.71% | 51.32% |
16 | Stone Fist | str | 0.802% | -0.425% | 48.16% | 50.11% |
47 | Strike Down | str | 0.755% | -0.189% | 48.22% | 51.37% |
41 | Unikron | str | 0.802% | -0.142% | 47.89% | 51.10% |
77 | Titanic | str | 0.802% | +0.047% | 48.00% | 51.74% |
70 | Boulder | str | 1.132% | +0.283% | 46.79% | 51.53% |
17 | Breaker Crab | str | 0.755% | +0.189% | 48.31% | 52.36% |
19 | Brimstone | str | 0.755% | -0.189% | 48.20% | 51.23% |
79 | Charkram | str | 0.660% | -0.189% | 49.89% | 51.65% |
56 | Elderfall | str | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.72% | 51.88% |
78 | Fan Dancer | str | 0.849% | -0.094% | 47.56% | 51.27% |
4 | Firesight | str | 1.038% | -0.283% | 47.36% | 49.57% |
68 | Goblet of Armis | str | 1.226% | -0.094% | 46.14% | 49.69% |
24 | Grimstone | str | 1.085% | +0.425% | 46.93% | 52.13% |
76 | Grunk | str | 1.038% | +0.189% | 47.13% | 51.60% |
13 | Halcyon | str | 0.849% | +0.189% | 47.74% | 52.21% |
14 | Hyper Beam | str | 0.802% | -0.142% | 47.86% | 51.34% |
21 | Psyche | str | 0.802% | +0.236% | 48.05% | 52.53% |
96 | Redwood | str | 1.179% | +0.613% | 46.37% | 52.39% |
80 | Shogun | str | 1.226% | +0.094% | 45.85% | 50.48% |
6 | Stomp | str | 0.849% | -0.189% | 47.80% | 50.81% |
91 | Sunder | str | 1.038% | -0.094% | 47.43% | 50.66% |
37 | Wind Sword | str | 1.179% | -0.142% | 46.31% | 49.12% |
102 | Ada's Valor | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 46.75% | 50.19% |
82 | Aqua Sword | str | 1.179% | -0.142% | 46.42% | 48.99% |
97 | Blaze of Glory | str | 1.226% | -0.094% | 45.97% | 49.05% |
28 | Browl | str | 1.085% | -0.047% | 47.10% | 50.36% |
99 | Claw Swipe | str | 1.179% | -0.047% | 46.58% | 50.13% |
66 | Ether Mask | str | 0.849% | -0.189% | 47.61% | 50.84% |
87 | Flame Sword | str | 1.132% | -0.189% | 46.71% | 48.60% |
71 | Getum Gang | str | 1.179% | +0.047% | 46.42% | 50.61% |
40 | Glorious Mane | str | 1.226% | -0.094% | 45.14% | 48.37% |
62 | Griff Scout | str | 0.755% | -0.094% | 48.17% | 51.70% |
92 | Ironshell | str | 1.085% | +0.425% | 46.88% | 52.28% |
105 | Jungle Guide | str | 0.802% | -0.047% | 47.91% | 51.51% |
52 | Rocket | str | 1.038% | +0.189% | 47.24% | 51.57% |
44 | Rubble Devil | str | 0.849% | +0.283% | 47.75% | 52.53% |
69 | Sabletooth | str | 0.802% | +0.142% | 48.09% | 52.30% |
48 | Soul Taunt | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 46.69% | 50.16% |
75 | Squiddy | str | 1.085% | +0.142% | 46.87% | 51.39% |
43 | Stink Eye | str | 1.038% | +0.094% | 47.19% | 51.39% |
9 | Tatt | str | 1.038% | +0.094% | 47.19% | 51.06% |
30 | Archeloth | str | 1.226% | +0.094% | 45.72% | 50.46% |
73 | Beatle | str | 1.038% | +0.472% | 47.25% | 52.74% |
93 | Cloud Guard | str | 1.226% | +0.377% | 46.02% | 51.50% |
64 | Crystal Cache | str | 0.849% | -0.283% | 47.72% | 50.48% |
5 | Demon Pact | str | 0.849% | -0.472% | 47.50% | 48.62% |
1 | Foul Stench | str | 1.038% | -0.189% | 47.35% | 49.81% |
7 | Ifrit | str | 0.755% | +0.189% | 48.48% | 52.41% |
104 | Jade Guardian | str | 0.849% | +0.094% | 47.81% | 51.74% |
57 | Light Ranger | str | 0.708% | -0.047% | 49.18% | 51.88% |
98 | Mortal Blow | str | 0.849% | -0.094% | 47.68% | 51.47% |
36 | Mushka | str | 1.226% | +0.189% | 46.19% | 50.71% |
63 | Nightmare | str | 0.660% | -0.283% | 49.40% | 51.08% |
101 | Oni Smith | str | 0.660% | +0.094% | 50.92% | 53.27% |
67 | Puddo | str | 1.132% | +0.472% | 46.79% | 52.02% |
49 | Rodent Problem | str | 1.179% | +0.142% | 46.34% | 51.00% |
50 | Volcanic Blast | str | 1.085% | -0.236% | 47.08% | 49.18% |
58 | Chomp | str | 0.660% | -0.283% | 49.39% | 51.44% |
29 | Frank | str | 1.038% | +0.377% | 47.38% | 52.15% |
55 | Garuda | str | 0.755% | -0.189% | 48.31% | 51.33% |
89 | Ground Pound | str | 0.802% | -0.519% | 47.83% | 49.26% |
81 | Heavy Cavalry | str | 0.660% | -0.283% | 49.60% | 51.46% |
72 | Khan | str | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.51% | 51.92% |
106 | Nurtured Bond | str | 1.179% | -0.047% | 46.34% | 49.94% |
2 | Reinforce | str | 0.802% | +0.047% | 47.87% | 52.01% |
90 | Rhumbo | str | 0.708% | +0.142% | 48.88% | 53.01% |
45 | Roothog | str | 0.660% | +0.094% | 49.28% | 53.03% |
8 | Breacher | str | 0.802% | -0.142% | 48.02% | 51.36% |
11 | Burninate | str | 0.708% | -0.519% | 49.23% | 50.27% |
3 | Geod | str | 1.085% | -0.047% | 46.91% | 50.69% |
35 | The Beast | str | 0.708% | +0.142% | 49.24% | 52.55% |
18 | Band Together | str | 1.179% | -0.047% | 46.33% | 50.33% |
46 | El Monstruo | str | 1.085% | -0.047% | 46.93% | 50.63% |
39 | Mothermander | str | 1.085% | +0.142% | 47.02% | 51.12% |
74 | Colossoid | str | 1.132% | +0.094% | 46.81% | 50.93% |
59 | Kha's Wrath | str | 0.755% | +0.094% | 48.34% | 52.10% |
61 | Moltenous | str | 1.226% | +0.472% | 45.58% | 51.81% |
12 | Weighted Die | str | 0.755% | -0.189% | 48.21% | 51.23% |
31 | Dracomantium | str | 1.085% | +0.142% | 47.11% | 51.02% |
23 | Tiamat | str | 1.132% | +0.189% | 46.73% | 51.40% |
2085 | Canny Mask | wis | 0.755% | -0.094% | 49.12% | 47.97% |
2052 | Century Key | wis | 1.132% | +0.283% | 52.26% | 48.43% |
2054 | Charmling | wis | 1.085% | +0.047% | 52.05% | 49.59% |
2067 | Cloud Kid | wis | 0.849% | +0.094% | 49.78% | 47.71% |
2074 | Insomnia | wis | 0.896% | -0.142% | 50.59% | 49.45% |
2087 | Mind Rune | wis | 0.802% | +0.047% | 49.35% | 47.67% |
2039 | Niko | wis | 0.991% | -0.047% | 50.83% | 49.58% |
2016 | Potion Seller | wis | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.57% | 48.88% |
2026 | Rosewater Charm | wis | 0.849% | -0.094% | 50.15% | 48.59% |
2006 | Scorch | wis | 0.991% | -0.047% | 51.17% | 49.30% |
2062 | Sphinx Mask | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.35% | 49.79% |
2088 | Tactician | wis | 0.991% | +0.047% | 51.01% | 49.05% |
2086 | Thanite | wis | 1.038% | +0.189% | 51.29% | 48.18% |
2000 | Tragic Poet | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.44% | 48.38% |
2035 | Touch the Sky | wis | 0.802% | -0.047% | 49.28% | 48.35% |
2070 | Birb | wis | 1.085% | +0.142% | 51.81% | 48.76% |
2040 | Bogi Bogi | wis | 1.085% | -0.047% | 51.76% | 49.77% |
2072 | Earth Warden | wis | 0.802% | -0.047% | 49.24% | 47.96% |
2099 | Eradicate | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.34% | 48.40% |
2073 | Fuji | wis | 0.849% | -0.094% | 50.03% | 48.56% |
2071 | Incinerate | wis | 1.179% | +0.047% | 52.85% | 50.31% |
2089 | Luna | wis | 0.802% | +0.047% | 49.72% | 47.48% |
2095 | Nettle | wis | 0.896% | -0.236% | 50.26% | 49.78% |
2018 | Ponderous | wis | 0.849% | -0.094% | 49.99% | 48.58% |
2008 | Reefus | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 52.24% | 49.62% |
2103 | Runecalling | wis | 0.991% | +0.236% | 50.93% | 46.94% |
2025 | Spirit of Sleep | wis | 0.802% | +0.047% | 49.52% | 46.90% |
2041 | Throne Blade | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.45% | 49.84% |
2005 | Turtor | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.52% | 47.48% |
2007 | Whisk Away | wis | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.30% | 48.78% |
2046 | Wish Deck | wis | 1.179% | +0.047% | 52.81% | 49.80% |
2058 | Xavi | wis | 1.179% | +0.142% | 53.15% | 49.47% |
2045 | Archivist | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 52.22% | 49.44% |
2080 | Auntuga | wis | 0.802% | -0.047% | 49.77% | 48.17% |
2013 | Bane She | wis | 0.991% | -0.047% | 50.96% | 49.32% |
2049 | Burn to a Crisp | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.61% | 47.91% |
2078 | Cryogen's Ire | wis | 1.085% | +0.047% | 51.93% | 49.67% |
2093 | Cygnus | wis | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.39% | 49.14% |
2066 | Dreams Undreamt | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.66% | 48.20% |
2091 | Fire Noble | wis | 1.179% | +0.047% | 54.73% | 50.90% |
2098 | Fortune Seller | wis | 0.755% | -0.094% | 49.07% | 48.28% |
2033 | Grover | wis | 0.802% | -0.142% | 49.24% | 48.86% |
2038 | Ill Will | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.40% | 47.39% |
2027 | Inspirator | wis | 1.132% | +0.189% | 52.25% | 48.79% |
2065 | Judgement | wis | 0.991% | +0.047% | 50.96% | 49.10% |
2105 | Meng'Long's Wish | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.72% | 47.64% |
2001 | Moonbeam | wis | 0.991% | +0.047% | 51.26% | 48.87% |
2064 | Ominous Hoo | wis | 0.755% | -0.094% | 48.79% | 48.23% |
2021 | Orchid | wis | 0.755% | -0.094% | 49.07% | 48.04% |
2083 | Scrollkeeper | wis | 1.085% | +0.047% | 52.09% | 49.44% |
2056 | Spiderella | wis | 1.085% | +0.142% | 51.97% | 49.20% |
2057 | Thought Leader | wis | 0.802% | -0.047% | 49.49% | 48.48% |
2053 | Whelm | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.49% | 46.17% |
2076 | Windweave | wis | 0.802% | -0.047% | 49.27% | 48.36% |
2044 | Desire | wis | 0.896% | -0.142% | 50.69% | 49.52% |
2101 | Lotus' Reflection | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.73% | 47.08% |
2028 | Miss Aya | wis | 1.179% | +0.047% | 52.95% | 50.49% |
2003 | Nature's Grasp | wis | 0.896% | -0.142% | 50.73% | 49.24% |
2079 | Nomad | wis | 1.085% | +0.047% | 51.98% | 49.24% |
2042 | Quadra | wis | 0.991% | -0.142% | 50.74% | 50.73% |
2097 | Salvage | wis | 1.179% | +0.142% | 53.37% | 49.47% |
2020 | Sea Mage | wis | 0.755% | -0.189% | 49.04% | 48.51% |
2036 | Seal of Doom | wis | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.32% | 48.54% |
2023 | Spite & Malice | wis | 0.991% | -0.047% | 50.98% | 49.25% |
2017 | Waterline | wis | 0.991% | +0.047% | 50.85% | 48.63% |
2094 | World Tree | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.36% | 49.95% |
2004 | Arcadeum Mask | wis | 0.991% | +0.047% | 50.83% | 48.67% |
2015 | Book Casey | wis | 1.179% | +0.047% | 53.63% | 50.13% |
2060 | Deepus | wis | 0.991% | +0.142% | 51.05% | 48.40% |
2047 | Gift of Aya | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.24% | 47.97% |
2100 | Grasping Maiden | wis | 1.179% | +0.047% | 52.84% | 51.07% |
2032 | Jakintsu | wis | 1.179% | +0.142% | 52.46% | 49.65% |
2014 | Scraggy | wis | 0.849% | -0.189% | 50.18% | 49.29% |
2059 | Turn the Tide | wis | 0.849% | +0.094% | 50.09% | 47.14% |
2050 | Twist & Turn | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.70% | 46.41% |
2055 | Cloud Sloth | wis | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.43% | 48.67% |
2084 | Doomsday | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.18% | 47.28% |
2081 | Frost Adept | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.37% | 50.30% |
2077 | Guru | wis | 0.849% | -0.094% | 50.15% | 48.98% |
2075 | Kha Meht | wis | 1.085% | -0.047% | 51.95% | 51.14% |
2090 | Libra | wis | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.31% | 48.97% |
2034 | Etherwail | wis | 0.708% | -0.142% | 48.59% | 48.10% |
2104 | Genesis Avatar | wis | 0.708% | -0.236% | 48.34% | 48.69% |
2029 | Octavian | wis | 1.085% | +0.047% | 51.51% | 49.54% |
2011 | Prismata | wis | 0.802% | +0.047% | 49.48% | 47.39% |
2043 | Sky Phoenix | wis | 1.085% | -0.047% | 51.60% | 50.75% |
2019 | Meng'Long | wis | 1.179% | +0.236% | 54.85% | 48.97% |
2092 | Eldritch Lore | wis | 0.991% | +0.236% | 50.79% | 47.65% |
2009 | Invest | wis | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.12% | 46.57% |
Whelm (2053)
Return all 2 cost and less units to hand.
Return all 2 cost and less enemy units to hand.
Whelm is a highly powerful tool for Wisdom decks, allowing them to disperse weak enemies with ease, but its low cost made it a bit too efficient, especially when coupled with both its ability to overflow enemy hands and reuse the attached spells of units like like Ponderous or Birb for more value, so we've given it +1 cost but also made it one sided, so it can let a wisdom player gain more tempo via not bouncing their own low-cost units, while preventing the reuse of the spells of cards like Ponderous.
Spirit of Sleep (2025)
A curve swap with Whelm, spirit at 3 mana generally was generally playing a similar role to whelm did but worse, and generally isn't a card you want to run out turn 1-2 anyhow, so this cost reduction should generally serve to make it easier to fit in on curve with other cards, and make it a bit more viable - spirit was also in the bottom three Wisdom cards overall, so catching a buff here feels reasonable for it.
Pistol Shrimp (1064)
Play: Attach Dazed to target enemy unit.
Play: Do 1 damage to target enemy unit and attach Dazed to it.
Buff to a low-curve Agility tool, shrimp is a pretty major underperformer so we've allowed its play effect to deal minor damage to its target, letting it pick off small or weakened enemies and just carry a bit more value overall.
Soul Forge (4053)
Summon a 3/3 copy of your left-most unit in hand. Give it armor and attach Lead to it.
Summon a 3/3 copy of your left-most unit in hand. Give it armor and attach Lead to it. Dust this spell.
An adjustment in service of closing some Genesis Avatar loops, having Forge dust itself on use. Avatar is a bit of a risk on future design though, so we'll be keeping an eye on it and will make further adjustments to Avatar as needed.
Forest Fire (3008)
Do 3 damage to all units. For each unit destroyed, its player summons Elderwood with Flames.
Do 3 damage to all units. If one or more units are destroyed, their player summons two Elderwood with Flames.
An adjustment/berf to a card whose role was a bit out of line with its intended use - Fire had a tendency to both act as a means of overflowing the enemy hand while being a bit of a subpar boardclear versus aggro due to giving them too many resources. This adjustment sees it now summon only two elderwood for each player who lost a unit, meaning it gives less resources to aggro decks it wipes while also being unable to overflow hands to the same degree, which should help bring back its intended use as a powerful earlygame boardclear with a downside. Also dropped Wither for power and readability concerns.
Grave Roil (3049)
Buff to a underperforming finisher, moving it down 1c - we've also heard some discussion about how Elderwoods result in the spell being too dangerous, and having Elderwood self-dust would be valuable for Roil, but one of the main methods of forcing Elderwood onto the opponent was also adjusted in forest fire, so we feel this risk is reduced a fair amount.
Dark Adept (3038)
After another ally unit dies, draw and attach your lowest cost dark spell to this unit.
After another ally unit dies, conjure and attach your lowest cost dark spell to this unit.
Tweak to a perennial underperforming card, now conjures dark spells, so its effect won't result in Dark spells you put in your deck, like Grave Roil, being pulled out prematurely and lost, which should reduce the risk of using it and also serve to separate it from the true elemental spell seekers like Carrion Crow and Earth Warden.
Lead Goblet ➞ Goblet of Armis (68)
Lead Goblet
Goblet of Armis
Give ally units +1/+1 and attach Lead to them.
Give ally units +1/+1.
A bit of a spooky buff to an underperforming buff card, giving goblet -1 cost and removing the lead clause from it and adjusting the name to reflect this. This should allow Goblet to serve as a far more aggressive buff card for fair aggro decks. Give everything to Arims' cause!
Blaze of Glory (97)
A buff alongside Goblet, moving from 4 cost to 3 cost. It was one of the worst cards in Strength overall, and while this seems a tad powerful, we'll be keeping an eye on it.

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