No Surprises - Patch #88

Team Horizon

Feb 16, 2022

Patch will be live Thursday, Feb 17th around 6:00pm EST!

Sometimes you just want things to go as expected. This week we’re introducing big QoL features for those who’ve lost games on account of the turn timer and card animations. We also improved several other user interface elements across the game giving you more feedback and information—you know, so there’s no surprises (hopefully).

📺 On one hand the addition of the rope means you won’t forget the timer. On the other hand it means it’s harder to blame a loss on the timer 😂

New Features ⭐

  • Added a visual turn timer in the middle of the board to keep your time left in your field of vision! Check out the video clip above ☝️
  • Animations will now speed up when turns pass between you and your opponent, to alleviate issues where animations could eat into your turn timer.
  • Overkill damage for heroes! If you deal lethal damage to the enemy hero, their health will decrease to show exactly how powerful your overkill was
  • Improved metadata in-wallet! Now cards have their traits, mana costs, lore, and more. This means you can filter by these properties in any tool that works on-chain.

Improvements 🦾

  • When you try to play an invalid action, the "Can't do this for X reason" text will now appear on the appropriate unit instead of in the middle of the screen.
  • Sorting preferences in the market & library are now saved in the URL when playing in browser, for easier access to filters when bookmarking search results.
  • Preview icons for cards in the grave & deck now have counters instead of showing a bunch of indeterminate icons.
  • The Dust preview icon has been raised up to match the position of the Death icon.
  • Dragging a card out of the Casting area will remove its glow, to better illustrate that releasing the card will cancel the cast.
  • Improved the "pop" animation when you try to target a unit with Shroud.
  • Added an advanced in-game option to use the non-scrolling card selection on mobile devices, and the scrolling card selection on non-mobile devices.
  • Added a hover state for some links on your profile page.
  • Fixed an issue where cards in the market would change depth and overlap prices after they were moussed over.

Changes ⚙️

  • Tracker's Shot will now send 0 health units to the graveyard before it tries to summon, so it'll work better when the field is full—specifically if you shoot your own unit.
  • Dual Prism decks in Discovery are now comprised of 30 cards instead of 25.

Bugfixes 🐛

  • Fixed the hover popup for Mana Vial getting stuck over card selection.
  • Fixed a bug where cards you Conjured would start out backwards.
  • Fixed a bug where tiny 1px dots were appearing on the edge of certain Silver & Gold cards.
  • You can no longer scroll in the deck & graveyard sidebars if there's not enough elements which would require scrolling.
  • Fixed a bug where a Silver card frame would slightly clip into power & health numbers.
  • Fixed buggy animations for Conquest rewards when you lose on game 2 or 3.
  • Fixed a bug where the "+" of the Create Deck button wasn't clickable.
  • Conquest tickets in your profile no longer say "non-tradable", as they remain transferable between accounts.

Open Beta Footer


Welcome to patch #88 everyone! We’ve got another interesting one this week, featuring a number of nerfs and tune-ups to some of the most powerful decks key cards, as well as some slight buffs to provide a few long-forgotten cards and decks a bit more of a chance in the metagame. One other adjustment we’ve made is tweaking Discovery deck sizes back to match Constructed deck sizes, so 25 for Mono Prism and 30 for Dual. Dual Prism decks are currently weaker in discovery, and since Discovery decks are already random, slightly increasing the Discovery deck size is actually a net benefit, since it reduces your chances of taking Out Of Deck damage slightly. Furthermore, this helps standardize deck sizes across both Discovery and Constructed game modes, making the overall gameplay experience more consistent. We’re very excited to see how these changes impact the metagame and help with a few issues players have been having for the past few weeks, so let's not delay any longer, and get right to our card changes!

Only cards with modified discovery odds are shown here, but the CSV contains all cards.

ID Name Prism Discovery Rate Discovery Rate Change
1072 Air Rune agy 1.176%
1050 Backstab agy 0.980%
1098 Blitz agy 1.176%
1016 Canopy Archer agy 0.882%
1001 Ensnare agy 1.029% +0.049%
1081 Fire Rune agy 0.980%
1087 Fly Guy agy 0.784%
1070 Fox Familiar agy 0.784% -0.049%
1088 Frost Claw agy 1.176%
1066 Grim Reprisal agy 1.029% +0.049%
1004 Kook Book agy 1.078% +0.049%
1062 Mechurai agy 0.833% -0.049%
1086 Puppet Strings agy 0.980%
1013 Saber agy 0.784%
1101 Samya's Speed agy 1.176%
1051 Skip agy 0.833%
1058 Speedster agy 0.833%
1026 Yellowjack agy 0.980% +0.049%
1017 Anoint in Flame agy 1.176%
1073 Chain Golem agy 0.833%
1041 Coffin Moth agy 1.127%
1053 Cube Junior agy 0.784%
1037 Hannah agy 1.029%
1056 Headcase agy 0.980%
1028 Huntaro agy 0.833%
1021 Lightning Vial agy 1.078%
1025 Noctourna agy 0.980%
1032 Pair of Jacks agy 0.882% -0.049%
1064 Pistol Shrimp agy 0.980%
1039 Rave agy 1.176%
1036 Rite Knight agy 0.931% +0.049%
1080 Shredder agy 0.882% -0.049%
1090 Sky Keeper agy 1.029%
1079 Slash agy 0.833%
1052 Snap Trap agy 0.980% -0.049%
1045 Supersonic agy 1.078%
1033 Trailblazer agy 1.127%
1068 Vyper Ambush agy 0.980%
1094 Xero agy 0.980% -0.049%
1031 Bolt agy 0.931% -0.049%
1007 Burn Out agy 1.127%
1059 Card Sling agy 1.078%
1006 Champ agy 0.980% -0.049%
1027 Dawn Blade agy 0.931% +0.049%
1048 Deep Xlice agy 1.127%
1043 Ember Mask agy 1.176%
1011 Fan of Knives agy 0.882%
1019 Gale agy 1.176%
1077 Honk agy 0.931%
1054 Hot Dog agy 1.176% +0.049%
1082 Impostor agy 0.980%
1093 Lau Sensei agy 1.029%
1010 Pandora agy 1.029% -0.049%
1089 Righteous agy 0.931% -0.049%
1092 Run Wild agy 0.882%
1047 Songrider agy 0.833% +0.049%
1076 Speed Boots agy 1.176%
1042 Strikestorm agy 1.127% -0.049%
1099 Tox agy 0.882%
1029 Treasure Chest agy 1.127%
1091 Void Knight agy 0.931%
1067 Vyper Charmer agy 0.784%
1000 Wane Blade agy 1.127% +0.049%
1035 Clapback agy 1.078%
1095 Crusher agy 1.029%
1100 Disciple of Gusto agy 0.784%
1005 Drum Up agy 1.029% -0.049%
1069 Flank Rider agy 1.029% +0.049%
1085 Flurry agy 0.833%
1038 Hail of Arrows agy 0.980%
1014 Head in the Clouds agy 1.127%
1065 Mamba agy 0.882% -0.049%
1063 Montage agy 1.176%
1057 Riptide agy 0.980%
1075 Strige Strike agy 1.078%
1071 Sworn Oni agy 0.980%
1040 Talonous agy 0.931% -0.049%
1018 Uppercut agy 0.980%
1008 Zapeta agy 0.833% -0.049%
1055 Zoomie agy 1.078%
1083 Blademaster agy 0.980%
1096 Dead Beats agy 1.078% -0.049%
1060 Epic Eagle agy 0.931%
1078 Flame Volley agy 1.078% +0.049%
1030 Flock agy 1.029%
1097 Gusto's Retort agy 0.980%
1044 Honor Guard agy 0.784%
1034 King Slay agy 0.882% +0.049%
1012 Plane Ranger agy 0.882% +0.049%
1009 Toh Tem agy 0.784%
1020 Vlad agy 0.882%
1015 Catch! agy 0.980% +0.049%
1003 Hurricane agy 1.078%
1023 Mighty Steed agy 0.784%
1049 Queen of Jacks agy 0.931%
1024 Scythe Mantis agy 0.931% +0.049%
1002 Trydra agy 0.833%
1084 Maelstrom agy 1.127%
1074 Mountain Lion agy 0.784%
1022 Great Gusto agy 0.784%
1061 Norsudovest agy 0.980% +0.049%
1046 Supercharge agy 1.127%
3018 Avatar of Light hrt 0.931%
3025 Bad Dreams hrt 1.078%
3011 Bone Mask hrt 1.127%
3016 Buckler Up hrt 1.127% -0.049%
3051 Crypto hrt 0.784%
3061 Dark Rune hrt 1.127%
3000 Fun Guy hrt 0.833% +0.049%
3036 Icaru hrt 0.784%
3005 Jacko hrt 1.078%
3094 Krystal hrt 0.882%
3035 Light Rune hrt 1.176%
3091 Pyrecrafter hrt 0.784%
3093 See Shore hrt 1.029%
3084 Shade hrt 0.931%
3069 Toil & Trouble hrt 1.029%
3039 Vialet hrt 0.931%
3049 Grave Roil hrt 1.078%
3015 Undragon hrt 1.127%
3029 Beloved hrt 1.127%
3085 Burning Blade hrt 0.980%
3083 Carrion Crow hrt 1.078%
3060 Dead Weight hrt 1.029%
3089 Eye Spider hrt 0.784% -0.049%
3055 Friendly Fawn hrt 0.931%
3082 Glacia hrt 0.784%
3065 Grubbs hrt 1.078%
3032 Gus hrt 0.833%
3097 Homebrew hrt 0.931% -0.049%
3020 Identity Crisis hrt 1.029%
3072 Impale hrt 1.078%
3070 Life Stream hrt 1.176%
3040 Light Knight hrt 0.784%
3078 Molten Heart hrt 1.176%
3090 Opal Golem hrt 0.833%
3067 Shoal Siren hrt 0.882%
3044 Sick Burn hrt 0.980%
3046 Teenage Witch hrt 0.833% +0.049%
3001 Unfallow hrt 0.980%
3064 Wed Dead hrt 1.176%
3007 Xythe hrt 0.784%
3101 Bouran's Ethos hrt 1.078%
3096 Chester hrt 0.882%
3087 Chill hrt 0.980%
3038 Dark Adept hrt 0.882%
3008 Forest Fire hrt 1.176%
3026 Funeral Moon hrt 1.127%
3021 Gift of Qai hrt 1.127%
3004 Grimlord hrt 0.931%
3081 Hexed Doll hrt 0.833%
3057 Meranda hrt 0.980% +0.049%
3037 Old Fogy hrt 0.882%
3019 Olympia hrt 0.980%
3099 Phoenix Plume hrt 1.176%
3006 Soul Guide hrt 0.882%
3056 Spore Blast hrt 0.882%
3030 Take Flight hrt 1.176%
3053 Temple Watch hrt 1.078%
3068 Trident True hrt 0.784% -0.049%
3041 Twisted Metal hrt 1.078%
3027 Undragon's Pact hrt 1.176%
3092 Vanessa hrt 0.980%
3066 Vishiva hrt 0.980%
3042 Angelo hrt 0.980%
3052 Blood Hunter hrt 1.029%
3095 Casket hrt 0.882%
3086 Chain Storm hrt 1.176%
3073 Chief Justice hrt 0.882%
3047 Cleo hrt 0.784%
3024 Death's King hrt 1.176%
3028 Dirge hrt 0.931% -0.049%
3058 Eclipse hrt 0.833%
3075 Evermore hrt 1.029%
3003 Flame Phoenix hrt 0.882%
3048 Full Bloom hrt 1.127%
3017 Glacial Tomb hrt 1.176% +0.049%
3098 Ma Shroom hrt 0.784%
3031 Mind Control hrt 0.833%
3023 Raise Arms hrt 0.980%
3009 Swamp Walker hrt 0.833%
3088 Bill hrt 0.980%
3071 Cosmicon hrt 0.980% -0.049%
3010 Doom Shroom hrt 0.833%
3012 Earth Golem hrt 0.980%
3013 Forest Hart hrt 0.931%
3074 Gravekin hrt 1.127%
3080 Hope hrt 0.833%
3062 Scorpio hrt 1.029%
3043 Second Chance hrt 0.931%
3077 Three Lashes hrt 0.980%
3076 Wartlock hrt 0.980%
3034 Bard Rock hrt 0.931%
3059 Glacial Hulk hrt 0.980%
3050 Undergrowth hrt 1.127%
3022 Wall of Dead hrt 0.980%
3002 Allbane hrt 0.980% +0.049%
3033 Broodwitch hrt 0.980%
3054 Jar of Souls hrt 1.029%
3079 Maw Worm hrt 1.029%
3063 Ancients Rise hrt 1.078%
3045 Hydrex hrt 0.980%
3100 Pharonis hrt 0.784%
3014 Smite hrt 1.029% +0.049%
4016 Alight int 0.931% +0.049%
4101 Ari's Insight int 0.980% -0.049%
4020 B Unit int 1.078% -0.049%
4038 Cinder int 1.029% +0.049%
4074 Doubling Cube int 0.882% +0.098%
4095 Eye Spy int 0.980%
4091 Forcefield int 0.882% +0.098%
4042 Gato int 0.980%
4028 Ghost Duster int 0.882% +0.049%
4073 Glitter int 0.980% -0.049%
4052 Hax int 0.882% +0.049%
4046 Mulch int 0.980%
4080 Scooter int 1.029% -0.049%
4029 Shockpaw int 1.029%
4031 Water Rune int 0.980%
4034 Whipvine int 1.078% -0.098%
4006 Wing Construct int 0.882% +0.049%
4070 Iron Mask int 0.882% +0.049%
4088 Angler int 0.882% +0.049%
4062 Bauble int 1.029% -0.049%
4067 Bubbles int 1.078% -0.098%
4061 Cobalt int 0.980% +0.098%
4037 Cross Reference int 0.882% +0.049%
4075 Deactivate int 0.980% -0.049%
4026 Electron int 1.078% -0.049%
4066 Fish int 0.931% +0.049%
4096 Germinate int 0.882% +0.098%
4041 Ivy int 1.078% -0.098%
4098 Jackrabbit int 1.029% -0.049%
4076 Mad Hat int 1.029% -0.098%
4036 Mad Vibes int 1.029% -0.049%
4058 Mutate int 0.931%
4093 Professor int 0.980%
4082 Rage Cage int 1.029% -0.049%
4063 Sparky int 1.029% -0.049%
4015 Starfield int 0.882% -0.049%
4099 Subjugate int 0.980%
4014 Sudden Gust int 0.882% +0.049%
4060 Teleport int 1.029% -0.049%
4054 Think Twice int 0.882% +0.098%
4000 Blow Away int 0.931% -0.049%
4009 Clone Army int 0.882% +0.098%
4044 Coal Dozer int 0.882% +0.049%
4084 Defragment int 1.029%
4039 Doctor Vile int 0.931% +0.098%
4033 Electric Eel int 0.980%
4072 Enfuego int 1.078%
4049 Illusion int 0.882% +0.098%
4090 Leonitus int 1.078% -0.049%
4078 Mechabun int 1.078% -0.098%
4056 Nessie int 0.980%
4005 Nimbus int 1.078% -0.049%
4059 Overmind int 0.882% +0.098%
4079 Savage Garden int 0.980%
4025 Seek int 0.882% +0.098%
4035 Shrink Ray int 0.931%
4097 Soul Shield int 0.931% +0.049%
4077 Supermind int 1.078% -0.049%
4002 Trapper Keeper int 1.078% -0.049%
4030 Trinketeer int 0.931% +0.049%
4024 Volcanic Potion int 0.931%
4001 Wicked Twister int 0.980%
4094 Andromeda int 1.029%
4008 Anti Mago int 0.931% +0.049%
4065 Curious int 0.931%
4043 Gear Grind int 0.980%
4085 Lilly int 1.078% -0.098%
4050 Manage Memory int 0.882% +0.098%
4013 Mother Ethera int 1.029%
4089 Nakamoto int 0.980% +0.098%
4051 Necrosiss int 1.078% -0.098%
4048 Octomage int 0.931%
4047 School of Fish int 1.029% +0.049%
4010 Tempest Brew int 0.980% -0.049%
4003 Tooth Hurty int 0.931%
4081 Vial Vendor int 0.931% +0.049%
4087 Anchor Drop int 0.931% -0.049%
4017 Dual Boot int 0.882%
4011 Encapsulate int 1.029%
4004 Frigid Blizzard int 1.078% -0.049%
4021 Hive int 1.078% -0.098%
4055 It's a Trap! int 1.078% -0.049%
4100 Mercurial Mimic int 0.931%
4092 Puppet Master int 0.931% +0.098%
4023 Sapphire int 1.029% +0.049%
4069 Timber int 1.078% -0.098%
4057 Tundra Wyrm int 1.029%
4045 Frog King int 0.980%
4007 Mass Confuse int 1.078% -0.098%
4027 Mootichi int 1.029% -0.049%
4032 Orion int 0.980%
4086 Shell Officer int 1.078% -0.098%
4053 Soul Forge int 0.882% +0.098%
4040 Extinction Event int 0.980%
4083 Magnanimous int 0.931% +0.049%
4018 Zam int 0.931%
4064 Enigma Golem int 1.078% -0.049%
4022 Floodwater int 0.882% +0.098%
4071 Gemini int 1.078% -0.098%
4068 Krakus int 1.029% -0.049%
4012 Cryogen int 1.029% +0.049%
4019 Cast in Chrome int 0.931%
51 Amalgam str 0.931%
32 Arcane Ray str 1.176% +0.098%
33 Axolotl str 1.078%
10 Call to Action str 0.931% -0.049%
22 Claw Bear str 0.980% +0.049%
86 Earth Rune str 1.275%
27 Ember Wolf str 0.882%
42 Engine Blade str 0.882%
34 Flashbang str 0.686% -0.098%
100 Icy Touch str 1.176%
60 Metal Rune str 1.373%
65 On the Hunt str 1.029%
85 Skeeter str 1.078%
16 Stone Fist str 0.784% +0.098%
47 Strike Down str 0.980% +0.049%
41 Unikron str 1.078% -0.098%
77 Titanic str 0.588%
70 Boulder str 1.029% -0.049%
17 Breaker Crab str 0.784% -0.098%
19 Brimstone str 0.931% -0.049%
79 Charkram str 0.784%
53 Earth Spike str 1.078%
56 Elderfall str 0.882% -0.049%
78 Fan Dancer str 1.029% -0.147%
4 Firesight str 1.275%
24 Grimstone str 0.784% -0.098%
76 Grunk str 0.980% -0.049%
13 Halcyon str 0.931% -0.049%
14 Hyper Beam str 1.029%
21 Psyche str 0.686%
96 Redwood str 0.784%
80 Shogun str 1.176% -0.098%
54 Sidekick str 0.686%
6 Stomp str 1.176% +0.098%
95 Suit Up str 0.882% +0.098%
91 Sunder str 1.029% +0.049%
37 Wind Sword str 1.275%
102 Ada's Valor str 1.373%
82 Aqua Sword str 1.176%
28 Browl str 1.176%
99 Claw Swipe str 1.275%
94 Earwig str 1.275% -0.098%
66 Ether Mask str 0.980%
87 Flame Sword str 1.275%
71 Getum Gang str 1.176%
26 Gladiator str 1.029%
40 Glorious Mane str 1.275% +0.098%
62 Griff Scout str 0.686%
83 Howl Geist str 0.686% -0.098%
92 Ironshell str 0.882% -0.049%
68 Lead Goblet str 1.275%
25 Olifant str 0.686% -0.098%
52 Rocket str 0.882%
44 Rubble Devil str 0.686% -0.098%
69 Sabletooth str 0.686%
48 Soul Taunt str 1.275%
75 Squiddy str 1.029% +0.049%
43 Stink Eye str 1.029%
9 Tatt str 0.931%
20 Unstoppable Chop str 1.176%
30 Archeloth str 1.078%
73 Beatle str 0.588%
97 Blaze of Glory str 1.373%
93 Cloud Guard str 0.980%
64 Crystal Cache str 0.980%
5 Demon Pact str 1.373%
1 Foul Stench str 1.275%
7 Ifrit str 0.784% -0.098%
57 Light Ranger str 0.882%
98 Mortal Blow str 0.980% +0.049%
36 Mushka str 1.078%
63 Nightmare str 0.882% +0.098%
101 Oni Smith str 0.588%
38 Polar Bear str 0.980%
67 Puddo str 0.784%
49 Rodent Problem str 1.029%
50 Volcanic Blast str 1.373% +0.098%
88 Aegis of Light str 0.882% +0.196%
58 Chomp str 0.931% +0.049%
29 Frank str 0.686%
55 Garuda str 0.980% +0.098%
89 Ground Pound str 1.373%
84 Hammerhead str 0.784% +0.098%
81 Heavy Cavalry str 0.784% +0.098%
72 Khan str 0.931%
2 Reinforce str 0.980% -0.049%
90 Rhumbo str 0.588%
45 Roothog str 0.588%
8 Breacher str 1.029%
11 Burninate str 1.078% +0.049%
3 Geod str 1.176%
15 Gift of Swords str 0.931% +0.049%
35 The Beast str 0.686%
18 Band Together str 1.078%
46 El Monstruo str 1.176%
39 Mothermander str 1.078% +0.049%
74 Colossoid str 0.931%
59 Kha's Wrath str 0.588%
61 Moltenous str 0.882% -0.098%
12 Weighted Die str 0.931%
31 Dracomantium str 1.078%
23 Tiamat str 0.784%
2002 Seer's Mask wis 0.882%
2085 Canny Mask wis 0.882%
2052 Century Key wis 0.980%
2054 Charmling wis 1.078% +0.049%
2067 Cloud Kid wis 0.882%
2010 Hydrate wis 0.882%
2074 Insomnia wis 1.029%
2031 Matchstick wis 1.078%
2087 Mind Rune wis 0.882%
2039 Niko wis 1.078% +0.049%
2016 Potion Seller wis 1.029% +0.049%
2026 Rosewater Charm wis 0.980%
2006 Scorch wis 1.029% +0.049%
2062 Sphinx Mask wis 1.029%
2088 Tactician wis 0.931%
2086 Thanite wis 0.931% +0.049%
2000 Tragic Poet wis 0.931%
2035 Touch the Sky wis 1.029% -0.049%
2070 Birb wis 0.980%
2040 Bogi Bogi wis 0.980% -0.049%
2072 Earth Warden wis 0.882%
2099 Eradicate wis 0.980% +0.049%
2073 Fuji wis 0.931% -0.049%
2069 Giza wis 1.078% +0.049%
2071 Incinerate wis 1.078%
2089 Luna wis 0.882%
2061 Mer Mask wis 0.882%
2068 Nefurti wis 1.029%
2095 Nettle wis 1.029%
2018 Ponderous wis 0.931%
2008 Reefus wis 0.980% -0.049%
2048 Take Root wis 0.882%
2057 Thought Leader wis 0.882% -0.049%
2041 Throne Blade wis 0.980%
2005 Turtor wis 0.882%
2053 Whelm wis 0.882%
2007 Whisk Away wis 0.980%
2046 Wish Deck wis 1.029%
2058 Xavi wis 1.029% -0.049%
2045 Archivist wis 1.078%
2080 Auntuga wis 0.931% +0.049%
2013 Bane She wis 1.078%
2049 Burn to a Crisp wis 0.980%
2078 Cryogen's Ire wis 0.980%
2093 Cygnus wis 1.029% +0.049%
2066 Dreams Undreamt wis 0.931%
2096 Ebb & Flo wis 1.078%
2091 Fire Noble wis 1.078%
2098 Fortune Seller wis 0.931%
2033 Grover wis 0.980%
2038 Ill Will wis 0.882%
2027 Inspirator wis 1.029% +0.049%
2065 Judgement wis 0.931% -0.049%
2001 Moonbeam wis 0.980%
2064 Ominous Hoo wis 0.980% +0.049%
2021 Orchid wis 0.931%
2083 Scrollkeeper wis 1.029%
2056 Spiderella wis 1.078%
2025 Spirit of Sleep wis 0.931%
2076 Windweave wis 0.931%
2044 Desire wis 0.980% -0.049%
2101 Lotus' Reflection wis 0.882% -0.049%
2082 Minstrel wis 1.029%
2028 Miss Aya wis 1.078%
2012 Mr. Whiskers wis 1.078%
2003 Nature's Grasp wis 1.029%
2079 Nomad wis 1.078%
2042 Quadra wis 1.078%
2097 Salvage wis 1.029%
2020 Sea Mage wis 0.931%
2036 Seal of Doom wis 0.931% -0.049%
2023 Spite & Malice wis 1.029%
2017 Waterline wis 0.980% +0.049%
2024 Webweaver wis 1.078%
2094 World Tree wis 1.078%
2004 Arcadeum Mask wis 0.980% +0.049%
2015 Book Casey wis 1.078%
2060 Deepus wis 1.029%
2047 Gift of Aya wis 0.980%
2100 Grasping Maiden wis 1.078%
2032 Jakintsu wis 0.931%
2030 Lost in the Fog wis 0.980%
2014 Scraggy wis 1.029%
2022 Soul Shepherd wis 0.931%
2059 Turn the Tide wis 0.882%
2050 Twist & Turn wis 0.882%
2055 Cloud Sloth wis 0.931%
2084 Doomsday wis 0.931%
2081 Frost Adept wis 0.980%
2077 Guru wis 0.931% -0.049%
2075 Kha Meht wis 1.078%
2090 Libra wis 0.980% -0.049%
2011 Prismata wis 0.882%
2037 Eldest wis 0.882%
2034 Etherwail wis 0.882%
2029 Octavian wis 1.029%
2043 Sky Phoenix wis 1.078%
2063 Skychannel wis 0.931%
2051 Amaruath wis 1.029% -0.049%
2019 Meng'long wis 1.078%
2092 Eldritch Lore wis 0.882%
2009 Invest wis 0.882%

Puppet Master (4092)

Puppet Master - Summon: Draw and summon your lowest cost 4 cost or less unit as 2/2 with guard.


Summon: Draw and summon your lowest cost unit as 2/2 with guard.

Summon: Draw and summon your lowest cost 4 cost or less unit as 2/2 with guard.

A much requested and needed change. While the eponymous “Sitti Cheat” deck did not have the highest win rate, it created frustration and removed a lot of player agency from the game, as the winner of a game vs Sitti was usually decided based on how well the Sitti player drew, rather than any interplay between the players decks. To this end, we’ve adjusted perhaps the most key card, Puppet Master, to only summon units of 4c and below, letting it serve as a playmaker with smaller cards like Flame Phoenix, while removing its ability to cheat high cost cards with overpowered effects like Enigma Golem and Hydrex, allowing Puppet Master to serve as a more mid-game value driven tool.

Montage (1063)

Montage - Your hero attacks target enemy.


3 4

A slight nerf based on community feedback, Montage on its own deals 3 damage, which is on the weak side for 4 mana, but it scales with Banner, helping it hold value. We have noted the discussion in the community around reverting it due to its ability to bypass Guards, however the current effect is significantly cleaner and easier for players to understand, and allowing Agility to bypass guards with direct damage is also something we don’t mind giving it, especially through a thematic card like Montage.

Righteous (1089)

Righteous - When another unit would die or a spell would enter a grave, dust it instead.


4 3


None wither


4 2

A curve swap with Montage, coupled with pushing an anti meta card for Agility. Righteous stands as a strong tool to address grave focused decks like sitti Cheat, as it can completely remove powerful death effect Units. Additionally, though we’ve removed 2 Power to compensate for its lower cost, it maintains 4hp, and also gains Wither, which serves as an additional way for Agility decks to deal with low Power high Health creatures in other prisms, especially Mr Whiskers. It also stands as one of the few answers to a shrouded Spirit of Sleep, now at a more playable cost.

Undragon (3015)

Undragon - Summon: Summon two Zomboid.


7 8

A minor buff to a finisher, granting the mighty Undragon +1power.

Bard Rock (3034)

Bard Rock - Inspire Spell: Give another random ally unit +1/+1.


5 4


5 4

Reverting a buff from a number of patches ago. With Bard Rock having found a home in Light Horik decks, her ability to buff her own Health via Beloved typically results in her gaining 4+ Health at minimum, making her a serious threat. So we’ve dropped her Power and Health back to 4/4 to compensate.

Icaru (3036)

Icaru -


stealth None

A small adjustment to a very strong early game tool in both Light Horik and Aggro Zoey decks. Icaru is a very powerful early game card, usually working out to around 4/4 worth of stats for 3 mana thanks to its powerful attached spell, so we’ve dropped Stealth to make Icaru easier to clean up with Banner or small units. It should still remain powerful, but slightly easier to remove.

Sick Burn (3044)

Sick Burn - Discard your left-most unit in hand to do 3 damage to target unit. Draw a fire spell.


1 2


Discard your left-most unit in hand to do damage equal to its cost to target unit. Draw a fire spell.

Discard your left-most unit in hand to do 3 damage to target unit. Draw a fire spell.

Alongside Puppet Master, this was a major player in the Sitti Cheat Deck. We’ve made a few adjustments, namely boosting its cost from 1 to 2, and reducing the damage output to lower its effectiveness as a removal tool. It can still be used as a discard outlet to enable early game reanimation, but at a more awkward cost, as it can only be played turn one if you are going second or using a mana flask, which coupled with nerfs to other key pieces of Sitti Cheat, like Puppet Master and Glacial Tomb, should serve to rein its Power in.

Orion (4032)

Orion - Summon: Set all other units to 3/3.


7 6


guard,armor,banner guard,armor

Orion is getting a buff in the form of -1c and losing Banner. Orion usually performs as an intermediate board clear, letting you trade your 3/3s for your opponents 3/3s. If you have a ton of tempo it can be strong, but it just doesn’t have a high enough impact at 7 cost to be playable. We’ve buffed it to be a little bit more affordable, giving aggressive intellect strategies a fun and interesting tool.

Unophobia (20040)

Unophobia - Dust your dead 1 cost cards. Give a random enemy -1 health, repeat for each card dusted.


11 10


Dust your dead 1 cost cards. For each dusted, Give a random enemy -1 health.

Dust your dead 1 cost cards. Give a random enemy -1 health, repeat for each card dusted.

Unophobia (and subsequently Hax) are getting a buff in the form of a slightly tweaked effect and wording, providing 1 more damage, and a 1 mana cost reduction. Hax and Unophobia were bottom of the barrel when it comes to winrate. This resulted in the inability to build around or make a fun and interesting deck with them. We love the idea of having cards that can shape a deck in the meta game, so we’ve given Unophobia a small buff to be more in line with Grave Roil.

Chain Golem (1073)

Chain Golem - Death: Attach Chains to enemies.


4 3

A small nerf to a popular aggressive tool in Agility decks, particularly Zoey, removing 1 Power. It should remain a reasonable way to break opposing Guard units and address hero armor.

Glacial Tomb (3017)

Glacial Tomb - Summon your top highest cost dead unit. Attach Frostbite to it.


3 4

Glacial Tomb catches a nerf in the form of a mana increase from 3 to 4. Glacial Tomb is an incredibly strong tool to resurrect units, hindered by attaching Frostbite. An amazing tool for aggressive strategies, most often resurrecting Blood Hunter, and combo strategies, most often resurrecting Undragon or Pharonis. We felt this card’s downside was not drastic enough to outweigh its power level for its cost and increased its cost by 1.

Mind Control (3031)

Mind Control - Steal target 2 cost or less enemy unit. Set it to 2/2, Give it guard and attach Barrier.


Steal target 2 cost or less enemy unit. Give it guard and attach Barrier.

Steal target 2 cost or less enemy unit. Set it to 2/2, Give it guard and attach Barrier.

Mind Control now turns the unit it steals into a 2/2 with Guard and Barrier. While we do like the theme of this card it can often feel clunky if you have to use it on a Gato, or extremely overpowered if you get to steal an 8/9 Elderwood, often instantly winning the game. As such we’ve tuned it to punish buffing small units less, and be more valuable when your opponent is mostly playing low Power units.

Light Knight (3040)

Light Knight - Inspire Light: Gain guard and attach Shield.


Inspire Light: Gain armor and attach Shield.

Inspire Light: Gain guard and attach Shield.

Light Knight is swapping its ability to gain Armor for Guard. Light Knight is a powerful and flexible 2 cost unit that synergizes well with Light Horik and Shade. It often acted as a 2 mana 2/2 or 3/3 Armor and Banner unit that could reattach Shield after dealing damage. We felt the Armor made it too strong for it’s cost, and as such we’ve adjusted it to gain Guard instead.

Chief Justice (3073)

Chief Justice - Play: Attach Silence to target enemy unit.


2 3


3 2

A nerf to a Light Horik tool and all-around strong card. We’re swapping Chief's Power with its Health to make it easier to answer and let it push a bit more damage.

Soul Forge (4053)

Soul Forge - Summon a 3/3 copy of your left-most unit in hand. Give it armor and attach Lead to it.


5 6


Summon a 2/2 copy of your left-most unit in hand. Give it armor and attach Lead to it.

Summon a 3/3 copy of your left-most unit in hand. Give it armor and attach Lead to it.

Like Puppet master, Soul Forge was another card that is consistently used to cheat out large units or combo pieces, and which will inevitably continue to be used in similar ways moving forward, potentially restricting design space, so we’re making a nerf of +1c in exchange for +1/+1 on the unit it summons, making it less efficiently costed, but allowing the Unit it summons to have a bit more sticking power.

Electron (4026)

Electron - Inspire Metal: Attach Zap to your hero.


Inspire Metal: Attach Zap.

Inspire Metal: Attach Zap to your hero.

An adjustment to rein in the power of Zam decks a little bit. These past few weeks have seen players innovate some interesting new Zam combo decks, which we are happy to have in the meta, but the maximum range and speed those decks could achieve via 2-3 Electron + Zam was a little absurd, so we’ve adjusted Electron to attach a Zap to your hero, rather than itself. This serves as a slight buff in regular gameplay by making it easier to hold a Zap for a future turn, but also as a nerf to the maximum output of Zam + Electron combo decks because multiple Electrons all attach Zap to the hero. The aim of this nerf is not to kill Zam combo but simply to reduce its speed slightly, and rein in its maximum damage output to a more reasonable level in the 30’s-40’s, rather than the 60’s-70’s.

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