A Bug’s Demise - Patch #78

It’s safe to say we hit the nail on the coffin with this one. A ton of bugs that have persisted should be put to rest this patch. In addition, we added some animations to improve attachment readability, made a notable change to Constructed, and deployed a neat leaderboard feature we hope you enjoy!

📺 With this patch, if you try to attack with a Roots character, or try to target a character with Shroud, or try to attack the non-rightmost unit with a character that has Blind, we pulse the attachment that's preventing you!
New Features ⭐
- We added a personal navigation bar on the leaderboard page 🏆 to make it easier to find your placement during a live season.

Improvements 🦾
- Huge infrastructure improvements have been made behind the scenes! This is the product of several months of work which will make your Skyweaver & Sequence experience much tighter than ever before. 🤩 Most notably your Skyweaver inventory & Sequence Wallet should always be synced up. And conducting market transactions should be real smooth. 🙌 Thank you for all the continued support during this final testing phase.
To learn more about the technology that powers Skyweaver, click here!
- Card names that are referenced in the text field of another card will no longer cause line-breaks, so they're easier to read!
- Added pulse animations to attachments that prevent players from executing certain actions (like trying to target a character with Shroud).
- Added snappier popup animations when hovering the mouse over cards.
- Added download button links for our native apps at the bottom of the main menu. Download your preferred client by taping the buttons below! 👇
Changes ⚙️
- Monoprism constructed decks now require 25 cards (instead of 20). This change was made in service of a more balanced gameplay experience. To learn more about the design decisions that lead to this change–and future card mechanic changes–check out Coulter's notes 📝 below. And be sure to tune into our bi-weekly patch lives streams the day before a patch goes live for even more insights! Marcelo ASMR will soothe any soul. 💜
Bugfixes 🐛
- Issues encompassing Conquest exits and login attempts should be addressed in this major patch with all the backend improvements. Please let us know if you are still encountering these issues post patch.
- Fixed a bug where reconnecting at the conclusion of a match still did not work. This should fix many error messages players were seeing related to disconnects.
- Fixed a bug where conceding the match could fail if your opponent played a move or if your turn ended at the same time.
- Fixed missing attachments on cards during the Conquest rewards celebration screen.
- Fixed a bug where the spotlight 🔦 in the tutorial could point to the wrong place.
- Fixed a bug that caused trigger icons to overlap the Hero's Prism icon.
Welcome to patch number 78 everyone! we've got a few card changes to discuss this week, as well as a larger overarching balance change we're testing out that we'll go over as well, namely testing increasing monoprism deck size from 20-25, in an effort to curb the hyper-consistency of a number of monoprism decks that have been consistently dominating the constructed metagame for the past few months. This change is just a test for now, but if it has a positive effect on the meta and game as a whole then it will become a permanent change.
Coffin Moth (1041)
Text: Glory: Dust the enemy's top dead unit to summon Zomboid. Ready it.
➞ Glory: Dust the enemy's top dead unit to summon Zomboid.
A small nerf + simplification, Agility has been very strong lately and moth’s ability to ready zomboids always felt a tad odd.
Breaker Crab (17)
Text: Death: Gain 1 mana.
➞ Play: Target enemy loses armor and guard.
A small rework to Breaker Crab, now it actually ‘breaks’ opposing armor and guard, making for a more flavorful card that helps teach some simple mechanical interactions to new players. Also provides another means of breaking hero armor.
Curious (4065)
Text: After you play your left-most card in
hand, draw.
➞ After you play your left-most card in
hand, draw a card.
Power: 4
➞ 3
Health: 3
➞ 4
Small buff to Curious, swapping its power and health to give it more staying power.
Chain Golem (1073)
Cost: 3
➞ 2
Power: 5
➞ 4
A small curve swap for Chain Golem, dropping 1power and 1c, may be a bit strong but could drop another point of power if so.
Bone Mask (79)
Text: Dust target hero's top dead non-dark unit to summon Zomboid. Attach this spell to your hero with +1 cost.
➞ Dust your top two dead cards to summon Zomboid and attach this spell to your hero with +1 cost.
Adjusting Bone Mask again - the amount of grave disruption it offered was overly punishing, so its effect is now simpler, and no longer requiring 2 dead cards, rather than a non-dark unit, making it easier for newer players to track whether or not it can work. It also will only reattach itself if it succeeded in dusting cards, and will be sent to the graveyard if it fails to, thus making it clearer that the card failed entirely by removing the situation where you could cast it and fail to get a Zomboid, but still have the mask reattach to your hero.
Nature's Grasp (2003)
Text: Attach Roots to enemy units. Summon two Elderwood.
➞ Summon two Elderwood with +1 health. Attach Roots with +1 cost to enemy units.
Rework to a long time underperformer, now gives the Elderwoods it summons +1hp, and the roots it places +1c, which should make it a far better defensive tool, and provide a decent midgame stalling tool for Wisdom decks.
Spirit of Sleep (2025)
Power: 3
➞ 2
Health: 2
➞ 3
Another defensive Wisdom buff, the +1pow buff a while back didn’t do much, so reverting to its old 2/3 statline to let it be a bit better of a curve play. Should be reasonable in the current metagame.
Dark Adept (3038)
Text: After another ally unit dies, draw and attach a dark spell to this unit. Give it -1 cost.
➞ After another ally unit dies, draw and attach your lowest cost dark spell to this unit.
Traits: lifesteal
➞ guard,lifesteal
A few small buffs to an underperforming card, now draws your lowest-cost dark spell, akin to other spell seekers, which should greatly increase its consistency, and also added guard to make it a bit more meaningful as a body on curve.
Overmind (4059)
Traits: None
➞ banner
Small buff to an underperformer, overmind now has banner, to let you assert greater dominance over your foes.
Burn Out (1007)
Cost: 2
➞ 3
Text: Draw four.
Dust your deck.
➞ Draw four cards.
Dust your deck.
Nerfing this after it has put up really impressive stats lately. Agility has been really strong so we’re aiming to curtail some of its draw power a bit. Also showcases a small wording revision - the terms {Draw}. and {Draw} two/three/four. Etc. have been expanded to ‘Draw a Card’ and ‘Draw two/three/four cards’, respectively, it's a tad longer but reads more cleanly.
Mortal Blow (98)
Text: Kill target unit.
➞ Destroy target unit.
Finally, we have a text only change to a number of cards, making them a tad less brutal by replacing ‘Kill’ with ‘Destroy’ - this is more faithful to the lore anyways, as creatures summoned by Skyweavers are actually magical copies of the original, and aren’t truly killed in battle, merely returning to energy when destroyed.

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