Heart's Desire - Patch #73

Team Horizon

Aug 11, 2021

Patch will be live Thursday, Aug 12th around 6:00pm EST!

In the aftermath of last week’s amazing Skyweaverleagues tournament, we have a few tweaks to some of the stronger cards in the meta as well as cards that were underperforming. We hope it matches your wisdom heart's desire!

📺 How strong is your Desire to Invest?

Bugfixes 🐛

  • Crusher now cannot remove Armor from units which have disabled it due to Chains.
  • Eldritch Lore no longer continuously sets the cost of the spell it draws to 0 during the turn was played. This led to unintended infinite loops with spells that reattach themselves with +1c after being cast.
  • Fixed several issues with logins and transactions not going through. We are continuing to monitor these issues closely during the Final Test Phase.

Final Test Phase


Welcome to patch 73 everyone! In the aftermath of last week’s amazing Skyweaverleagues tournament, we have a few tweaks to some of the stronger cards in the meta as well as cards that were underperforming lately. Hopefully these should help sand off a few rough edges on the meta and open up some space for some underappreciated cards to shine.

Blaze of Glory (97)

Blaze of Glory - Give ally units +1 power and attach Fury to them.

    Text: Give target ally unit lifesteal and +2 power. Attach Fury to ally units. Give ally units +1 power and attach Fury to them.

A fun tweak/simplification inspired by the original design, now gives +1pow to all ally units again but not lifesteal. Without offering mass lifesteal the buff and draw should be a bit more manageable and less impactful on a smaller number of units, while maintaining is a potent option to allow aggressive decks to buff their board and reload.

Fire Sword ➞ Flame Sword (87)

Flame Sword - Give target unit +2 power, lifesteal and attach Fury.

    Name: Fire Sword Flame Sword

    Text: Give target unit +3 power and attach Fury. Give target unit +2 power, lifesteal and attach Fury.

A small tweak here, dropping 1 power and adding lifesteal to compensate for the loss of lifesteal on Blaze of Glory.

Earwig (94)

Earwig - Death: Attach Fate to units in your hand.

    Health: 2 3

    Spell: Fate None

A nerf to one of the highest WR decks in the meta. Dark-based Ada Aggro/Midrange boosted an impressive win and playrate, and earwig’s value generation was a bit nutty there. I do think this is a pretty big nerf since it effectively erases 2 draws long term, but hopefully the +1hp on the body helps to make up for it somewhat and the deck can adapt.

Desire (2044)

Desire - Summon: if your deck is empty, double this unit's power and health.

    Text: Summon: Gets -1 power for each card in your deck. Summon: if your deck is empty, double this unit's power and health.

    Power: 9 4

    Health: 9 4

The winrate on this card doesn't necessarily justify a nerf, but it was fairly powerful, and this slight redesign brings its frontend down a bit while keeping the core idea intact, and also makes the card more flexible in the early/midgame, and also in discovery, where it was usually a totally dead draw. It's now a bit smaller inherently, only becoming an 8/8 on its own, but any buffs applied before or as its summoned will also be doubled, so cards like Clone Army have a bit of extra synergy with it.

Sapphire (4023)

Sapphire - The inspire effects of ally units trigger twice.

    Spell: Mana Potion Mana Flask

Again, this card had a really low winrate, so I’m buffing the potion up to a flask, allowing it to work as a better play on curve and enable Inspire combos a tad more effectively.

Ivy (4041)

Ivy -

    Traits: guard,wither None

    Health: 2 3

The nerfs to banjo aggro really gutted a lot of Int’s tempo cards, so dropping her keywords for more health, letting her brawl more on curve and not die to enemy Banner.

Mr. Whiskers (2012)

Mr. Whiskers - Death: Attach Whisk Away to your hero.

    Health: 6 7

Buff to a long time underperformer, making it an even burlier defensive wall. Its low attack should mean that wither is still able to keep its large statline in check.

Ill Will (2038)

Ill Will - Attach Hex to enemy units. Give the enemy's right and left-most cards in hand +2 cost and reveal them.

    Text: Attach Hex to enemy units. Reveal the enemy hand, and give cards in the enemy hand +1 cost. Attach Hex to enemy units. Give the enemy's right and left-most cards in hand +2 cost and reveal them.

Again, the winrate here wasn’t egregious, but as mentioned it was rather irritating to face, so concentrating the debuffing effect to make it similar to stink eye, only hitting/revealing the edge most enemy cards in hand by +2c, rather than the whole hand, so it should remain a good tool for slowing down and disrupting enemy plays, but isn’t so devastating vs large hands, (though it’s stronger vs small hands) and will usually still leave them some cards that aren’t debuffed, at the cost of debuffing the two it does hit by +2c instead of +1c.

Meranda (3057)

Meranda - Play: Attach Vapors to target ally unit.

    Traits: stealth stealth,banner

    Power: 3 2

Has had poor usage and winrate since the change awhile back, so trading 1 power for banner to buff her a bit. Stealth + banner units have been pretty strong in the past, so this seems like it will be interesting.

Nimbus (4005)

Nimbus - Your 1 cost and higher spells have banner.

    Traits: banner stealth,banner

Basically fell into obscurity after the last nerf/change, so trying stealth on him at 3c, which should make him more appealing and harder to answer on curve.

Vial Vendor (4081)

Vial Vendor - Summon: Conjure and attach a 1 cost spell to each ally unit.

    Text: Summon: Both players conjure and attach 1 cost spells to their units. Summon: Conjure and attach a 1 cost spell to each ally unit.

This one had a surprisingly low usage and winrate, and the effect always struck me as a tad complex, so buffing it to make the effect one-sided, which should help its worst case scenario plays be better without actually raising its top-end power level too much.

Invest (2009)

Invest - Spend your mana to give target ally that much health. If it has 99 health, swap its power and health.

    Text: Spend your mana to give target ally that much health. If it has 99 health, set it to 99 power. Spend your mana to give target ally that much health. If it has 99 health, swap its power and health.

Finally, a particularly wild nerf in service of encouraging more interactive gameplay. Invest now swaps the target's health and power if its health is 99, rather than setting its power to 99, This will make killing the enemy with Invest require more planning/timing, as you need a clean shot on your Invest turn, as you’ll be left with next to no health after, thus reducing the number of ‘lame duck’ games Invest creates, where a hero could just invest to 99/99 whenever, resulting in their win being almost inevitable even if they couldn’t kill you immediately.

This change definitely weakens Invest, but it should also make it more interesting to play with and against, as both sides can now plan around it and try to outmaneuver the other. The Invest player may only have a small window where their health is high enough to use invest, but if they can’t clear the enemy’s Guards first, their opponent may be able to damage them enough preemptively to pull the Invest wincon out of their grasp, which should make for more interesting play patterns overall. Thematically it's also fun as it fits in with the idea of a risky finishing move or final attack, where you use your lifeforce to blast your enemy out of existence.

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