Bedtime Stories - Patch #72

Those little tentacles are actually quite friendly, children love them! Read on to learn all about the zone-change previews as well as the improved particle effects. There's also a new post match screen for you Master players and a ton of enhancements both in-game and in the menus we know you'll love.

📣 In case you missed it, we’re switching to having Major patches (new features, changes, and improvements) every 4 weeks and a single Balance patch (mostly just card changes) in between Major patches.
New Features ⭐
Reworked zone-change previews:
- The "death" preview icon will only appear if a unit is marked for death. ☠️ However, it will not appear if the unit doesn't enter the graveyard immediately. Therefore, the "death" skull icon will now accurately reflect if a unit's death effect will trigger.
- When a card moves through multiple zones, we only preview the zone where it will end up.
- Added a "discard" preview icon for cards going to graveyard in any other way.
- Added a "draw" preview icon on the deck.
- Added a "returned to hand" and "returned to deck" preview icon.
- Updated the "mulligan" preview icon.
- Added post match screens for Master & Grandweaver players gaining and losing ELO while ranking up or down.
- Tabbing back into Skyweaver will now fast-forward animations until you're caught up. There's a "Catch-up Speed" setting to control the speed.
This last feature is brought to you by our new Game Developer, Thomas! He’ll be bringing you even more high-quality features & bugfixes with every patch, so give him a round of applause 👏
New Art 🎨
- Quest has been renamed Fury, and with that comes new Enchant and wreath art to surround it! Check it out down below under CARDS.
Improvements 🦾
- Added particles when you release the targeting arrow.
- Added particles when a cast spell activates its effect.
- Added particles when your Hero dies.
- Added particles to the casting hover glow on the arena.
- Improved firefly particles when tapping the grass.
- Switched the order of the change quantity buttons in the cart to ⬇⬆ up/down.
- Various visual tweaks to the cart to improve readability.
- Improved the Start screen appearance on mobile.
- The Hero emote wheel will now open to one side if there's not enough room for the whole wheel. This mostly appeared on iPad while the Hero was at the edge of the screen.
- Card "creations" such as Skeeter's effect (“Death: Add Zomboid with Hex to the enemy deck.”) will now show the card being created and animated to its destination.
Changes ⚙️
- We’ve temporarily introduced a change in Skyweaver to make your card balances and Test DAI update instantly. As a result your Sequence Wallet may not show the correct values sometimes, but in-game they should always be correct. We’re working to ensure both are synced correctly up in a future patch. Rest assured your tokens and items are safe!
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed a bug where Frostbite was not tinting the units it was attached to.
- Fixed a bug where Maelstrom was incorrectly showing stat changes on units it returned.
- Fixed scrolling issues on the login screen on mobile.
- Fixed the "next tutorial" button overlapping the “continue” button.
- Fixed a bug where finishing a Conquest on the first or second match would not display the correct rewards.
- Fixed bugs where the Conquest rewards screen could overlap other screens.
- Fixed a bug that caused an extra “skip” button when you revealed your Conquest rewards by tapping them.
- Fixed a bug where attacking with your Hero while the emote wheel was open would bring the emote wheel “for a little ride”. 🎢
- Fixed an obscure bug where unlocking a Hero after you had all Base cards unlocked would show an empty screen with a continue button.
- Fixed the Accept Terms & Conditions button being invisible on mobile. Please download the latest app version on your iOS or Android device to see this change reflected.
Welcome to patch 72 everyone! Again, we're trying not to make a massive amount of changes, but I wanted to try to buff up some of the lowest win/playrate cards to make them a bit more viable, while also tuning down a few problem cards in the meta.
Quest ➞ Fury (20051)
Name: Quest
➞ Fury
An exciting visual and flavorful update, though not a mechanical one - Quest is now 'Fury' and has updated in-game graphics to match!
Eldritch Lore (2092)
Text: Spend your mana. Draw your highest cost spell of that cost or less, set it to 0 cost and attach it to your hero.
➞ Spend your mana. Draw your highest cost spell of that cost or less, and attach it to your hero. It is 0 cost this turn.
A subtle but impactful change - Eldritch Lore now only sets the spell it draws to 0c during the turn you draw it.
Eldritch Lore was intended more as a flexible spell tutor, similar to how Cast in Chrome is a flexible unit tutor, so you could draw and then immediately use a spell, but people were making use of it as a way to bank 4-5 mana in Zam combo decks, which was super cool, but also allowed those decks gameplans to accelerate their combos by as much as 4+ turns due to effectively gaining 4-5 mana on their combo turn, which made them pretty insane. This change retains the initial effect of Lore, allowing you to tutor and then immediately use a key spell on the same turn, but no longer allows you to bank the spell for a future turn at 0c, which should help to keep combo decks a bit more honest.
Magnanimous (4083)
Cost: 6
➞ 7
Health: 4
➞ 7
A nerf I was a bit more hesitant to make, as I think that the Eldritch Lore change is liable to really slow Zam decks down, but Magnanimous is an undeniably dangerous card with an incredibly powerful effect, so moving it to 7c while also making it a better defensive pivot feels like a fairly reasonable compromise. I’ll definitely keep an eye on the Zam deck as a whole, as I would like it to exist, I just don’t want it shooting people for 40dmg on 5-6 mana. If its combo turns are more around 10 mana, that should feel more reasonable.
Miss Aya (2028)
Health: 5
➞ 6
Aya still wasn't really doing a lot even after her previous buff, so giving her +1 health to make her a more appealing curve play.
Matchstick (2031)
Power: 2
➞ 1
Health: 1
➞ 2
A tweak to a long-standing card to make its role a bit different and make it a tad more impactful as a unit, as now it won’t keel over to a single hero-attack.
Niko (2039)
Power: 0
➞ 1
Health: 5
➞ 4
Another change here - Niko has always had an abysmal winrate, owing to the fact that it always starting in the opening hand also has the added effect of making it a bad inclusion in decks that didn’t always want to start with it, since it would negatively impact your opening card selection, and also making wis decks in Discovery worse, since they’d start with a dead card in their opening card selection every time if Niko was in their deck. This new statline is pretty impressive and could make it a valuable defensive tool earlygame for WIS decks, allowing them to block early aggression better without totally sacrificing tempo due to having 0 pow. It seems like it could be a bit powerful tbh, so I'll have to keep an eye on it.
Twist & Turn (2050)
Text: Dust target unit to draw and summon a unit of its element for its player.
➞ Dust target unit to draw
and summon a unit of its element for its player. If it's an ally, attach Barrier to it.
Small 'buff' here, if the unit you twist into is an ally, it will gain Barrier, making it harder to remove.
Dreams Undreamt (2066)
Text: Dust the top card of both graves. For each, draw a card of its element.
➞ Dust your top three dead cards. Draw a card of each element dusted.
A redesign here - Dreams Undreamt was in a weird place where it was worse than 3c draw cards in AGY/STR, and also just generally uninteresting. This new design maintains the card's central theme, while leaning more into WIS 'rainbow' theme, scaling up to a draw three if you manage to dust three different elements. At the same time, it also carries a greater opportunity cost, since dusting cards of different elements will use up resources for other WIS tools, like Sky Phoenix and Skychannel. Seems like it should be an interesting and flavorful WIS change.
Nefurti (2068)
Traits: lifesteal
➞ None
Health: 3
➞ 4
Reversion - WIS tempo has fallen off a fair bit since the days of banjo aggro so I think we can readjust this to be a bit stronger, as it's a valuable earlygame tool for WIS.
Scrollkeeper (2083)
Text: Summon: Mulligan units in your hand.
➞ Summon: Give the right-most unit in your hand -1 cost. Mulligan units in your hand.
Small buff here, as it was one of the lowest Win/Playrate cards in the whole game. Now applies a -1c discount to a unit, which makes it a bit more valuable long term.
Ebb & Flo (2096)
Text: Play: Summon a guard copy with Vapors and swapped power and health.
➞ Sunrise: Gain +1 health, swap power and health, and guard and stealth.
Traits: stealth,lifesteal
➞ guard,lifesteal
Health: 1
➞ 4
Spell: Frostbite
➞ Vapors
Another redesign here in an effort to fit the art's flavor better and differentiate it from Spite & Malice. Rather than summoning a flipped copy of itself, it will buff itself on sunrise and 'mode change' similar to the old 'Bit'. It should be a more useful and flavorful design, as the original wasn't seeing any play currently.
Allbane (3002)
Health: 2
➞ 3
A bit of a scary buff, but Allbane was really down in the winrate stats lately, and with the game generally being a bit more powerful, making Allbane a tad more annoying to remove should allow him to grant his user more follow-up tempo.
Molten Heart (3078)
Text: Give target ally unit +1 power. Trigger its Death effects. (If any)
➞ Give target ally unit +1/+1. Trigger its Death effects. (If any)
Small buff to an underperformer, it also makes the card cleaner generally and has the added benefit of being a tad less weak in Discovery.
Spiderella (2056)
Health: 3
➞ 4
Buff to an underperformer in WIS, to improve their mid game ability to fight for board a bit.
Fuji (2073)
Text: Death: Attach Flames to a random enemy.
➞ Death: Attach Flames to a random enemy unit.
Traits: stealth
➞ stealth,wither
A Berf to a card that could be annoying, to bring it closer to things like Flashbang, as it can no longer flame the enemy hero, but it also gains wither in exchange. I am interested in exploring hero chain/overwrite effects, but they should ideally play nice with Mana Potions, which is its own design query. In the meantime I’m removing this one, but I’ve also removed the main issue that I suspect people had with hero attachments through the change to Eldritch Lore, so the importance of hero overwrite effects as a counterplay to Zam decks should be lessened.
Luna (2089)
Traits: stealth
➞ stealth,lifesteal
Still wasn’t really being used, so adding lifesteal, it's got an interesting statline + trait combo and is flexible throughout the game - coupled with the buff to Twist + Turn, hopefully little Luna can see more usage.
See Shore (3093)
Text: Attach Vapors to target ally. Reveal the enemy's two right-most cards in hand.
➞ Attach Vapors to target ally and give it +1 health. Reveal the enemy's two right-most cards in hand.
A small buff to a fairly underused card - now gives a small amount of hp to the target, making what you target with it a bit more meaningful, as you can buff up a unit to survive an attack, etc.
Unliving Pact ➞ Undragon's Pact (3027)
Name: Unliving Pact
➞ Undragon's Pact
Finally, a pair of name changes worth noting, (since I heard about the first of these constantly.) Two of our signature dragon-themed spells now explicitly name-drop their user, bringing them into line with other cards like Kha’s Wrath and Gusto’s Retort. Unliving Pact is now Undragon’s Pact.
Cryoblast ➞ Cryogen's Ire (2078)
Name: Cryoblast
➞ Cryogen's Ire
Similar to Undragon’s Pact, Cryoblast is now Cryogen’s Ire, linking it to her more closely.

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