Omniscient - Patch #41
The highest type of perception. The ultimate power (or burden) of knowing everything. In this week's patch, you'll have just that, with the all new Action History sidebar! We also updated 3 Heroes and casually changed 150 cards.

- Updated the illustrations for 3 Heroes!

- All new Action History 📒
What was the last sentence you typed before you started reading this? Can't recall? That's not a surprise! Short-term memory has a fairly limited capacity; it can hold about seven items for no more than 20 or 30 seconds at a time 🤯. Which is why an all new Action History sidebar has been added to the game so you can reflect on your life choices more accurately. Soon you'll be able to hover over the items so you can capture those precious Hallmark moments!
- Spells that cost all your mana require at least 1 mana to play
- New players now only gain 10,000 ARC at level 1 💰
- New players now level up regardless if they win or lose up to level 3
We've made some minor changes to improve the first time user experience. If you are currently under level 75 and would like some extra ARC, please let us know on discord and tell us your SkyWeaver username. We will compensate you for some of the missed ARC you would have gotten before the change!

"A more "traditional" big patch. Nerfed the best copy deck pieces, I'm curious to see how those decks evolve. Remixed and benched some AoE clears. Reworked some mulligan effects. Moved some healing out of Intellect."
Fate (1004)
Text: Death: Draw a card of this character's element.
➞ Death: Conjure a card of this character's element.
Changed to conjure as a nerf to deck consistency, though a buff to not getting killed by Fate.
Fan of Knives (308)
Power: 2
➞ 3
Health: 3
➞ 2
Making this more fragile now that Knives breaks stealth.
Ancients Rise (947)
Text: Summon your bottom three dead units.
➞ Summon your bottom three dead units. Give them Blind.
I like using negative enchants to soften big value bombs.
Storm Rider ➞ Sidekick (821)
Name: Storm Rider
➞ Sidekick
Element: air
➞ light
Changed the theme so I don't confuse it with Bird Knight every time.
Hail Hydra (911)
Cost: 7
➞ 5
Keywords: wither
➞ stealth,wither
Power: 6
➞ 5
Health: 6
➞ 5
Spell: Capsize
➞ None
Brought down the curve. (The spell went to Nessie.)
Stink Eye (742)
Text: Summon: Give the enemy's right card in hand +3c.
➞ Summon: Reveal the enemy's right card in hand and give it +3c.
Minor reveal buff, it's nice to know what you're sniping.
Snake Attack (981)
Text: Summon two Snake with wither.
➞ Summon two Snake.
Minor nerf to a high performer.
Snakeweaver (978)
Text: Summon: Give ally units wither.
➞ Death: Summon Snake with wither.
Power: 2
➞ 3
Health: 3
➞ 2
Reworked with new Snake Attack.
Hail of Arrows (683)
Text: Do 2 Damage to enemies. If you have no mana, give units in the enemy hand +1c.
➞ Do 2 Damage to enemy units. If you have no mana, give units in the enemy hand +1c.
Nerfed hero damage, so it doesn't break stealth.
Incinerate (934)
Text: Do 4 Damage to target unstealthed unit.
➞ Do 4 Damage to target unstealthed unit and 1 Damage to your hero.
Minor nerf. It burns.
Supercharge (778)
Cost: 3
➞ X
Text: Give ally units Zap.
➞ Pay 1 for each ally unit. Give ally units Zap.
Nerfing the efficiency on a big board, and can't be reduced in cost.
Flame Boxer (606)
Cost: 1
➞ 2
Health: 2
➞ 3
Reworked with new Flame Fist.
Avatar of Light (245)
Cost: 2
➞ 1
Text: Inspire Light: Give your hero +3 Health.
➞ Inspire Light: Pay 1 mana to give your hero +3 Health.
Trying a mana tax. As a 1c unit it'll be easy to find and recur again, but the effect is harder to abuse.
Elderwood (25)
Spell: None
➞ Roots
Slowing these down with a thematic change. Easier to play units into and leave alive.
Pandora (298)
Power: 3
➞ 2
Stat nerf to a classic SkyWeaver powerhouse.
Cloud Sloth (762)
Health: 7
➞ 8
Spell: Tradewinds
➞ Shroud
Simpler and sturdier.
Waking Dream (633)
Cost: 4
➞ 3
Prism: wis
➞ agy
Buff and prism change to let Agility go fast.
Sky Key (750)
Cost: 2
➞ 1
Text: Discard your left card in hand. Draw two of its element.
➞ Conjure a spell. Give spells in your hand banner.
Great Gusto (453)
Text: Play: Return target unit to hand. Mulligan that hand.
➞ Play: Return target unit to hand. Mulligan other cards in that hand.
Mulligan effects were performing particularly well in Discovery, which makes sense. The hand disruption can be particularly rough with a suboptimal deck. This change to Great Gusto at least leaves them with the unit you bounced.
Auntuga (1037)
Power: 0
➞ 1
Health: 5
➞ 4
Stat tweak.
Thought Leader (791)
Text: Draw a mind unit. Give attachments on units in your hand -1c.
➞ Draw a mind unit. Give attachments on allies and units in your hand -1c.
Keywords: banner
➞ None
Tweaked to focus on spell discount fiesta. (Also Maskweaver is back.)
Dirge (427)
Cost: 4
➞ 5
Keywords: None
➞ banner
Classic. I've missed banner on this card.
Halcyon (303)
Cost: 2
➞ 3
Health: 2
➞ 3
Bumped up the curve, though the spell was buffed.
Ragnarok (530)
Cost: 4
➞ 3
Buffed to be closer to Wane Blade etc.
Flame Jab ➞ Flame Fist (6)
Text: Do 1 Damage to a target. Give it Flames.
➞ Do 2 Damage to a target. Give it Flames if it has no attachment.
Buffed vs naked targes, but nerfed Mana Vial destruction.
Huntaro (533)
Power: 3
➞ 2
Health: 1
➞ 2
Stat tweak alongside Canopy Archer.
Khan (971)
Cost: 6
➞ 5
Power: 4
➞ 3
Health: 4
➞ 3
Bumped down the curve.
One Punches (720)
Cost: 5
➞ 3
Text: Do damage equal to your hero's power to enemies.
➞ Exhaust your hero to do damage equal to its power to enemies.
Keywords: banner
➞ None
Moved down the curve to fill a different AoE slot.
Hulk Shark (738)
Power: 3
➞ 4
Straight buff.
Scorpio (932)
Cost: 6
➞ 5
Prism: wis
➞ hrt
Buffed with the Fate change.
Egoize (552)
Text: Dust your hand. Draw as many cards as the enemy has in hand.
➞ Dust your hand. Conjure as many cards as the enemy has in hand.
Now conjures, to reduce deck consistency.
Olifant (507)
Cost: 4
➞ 3
Power: 3
➞ 2
Bumped down the curve to make the Shield less painful to punch off.
Flame Volley (1058)
Text: Do 1 Damage to enemies. Give them Flames.
➞ Do 1 Damage to enemies. Give enemies without attachments Flames.
Keywords: None
➞ wither
Trying more no attachment
clause in Fire. Buffed with wither.
Seek (623)
Cost: 2
➞ 3
Text: Draw your most expensive spell. Give your hero Mana Potion.
➞ Draw your most expensive spell. Give your hero Mana Flask.
Tweaked to be a little clunkier, though with increased upside for floating the vial.
Slag Golem (935)
Cost: 4
➞ 3
Text: Sunset: Gets Vile Vial.
➞ Glory: Gets Vile Vial.
Health: 3
➞ 2
Bumped down the curve to a more aggressive role.
Backstab (794)
Keywords: wither
➞ lifesteal,wither
Straight buff. May you heal seven against Wall of the Dead.
Wall of Dead (351)
Text: Dust your top dead unit to summon Zomboid with guard. Repeat until your board is full.
➞ Dust your top dead non-dark unit to summon Zomboid with guard. Repeat until your board is full.
Continuing the non-dark mechanic, so stacking this effect might run out of fodder.
Judgement (884)
Cost: 5
➞ 3
Text: Both players discard their right most expensive card in hand, and kill their front most expensive unit.
➞ Both players kill their front most expensive unit.
Redesigned to focus on removal. I like the design space of hand disruption, but this version was a bit too chaotic.
Tianlong (963)
Cost: 8
➞ 10
Text: Summon: Mulligan your hand. Gets +1 Power for each element in your hand.
➞ Has -2c for each element among allies.
Power: 1
➞ 5
Health: 9
➞ 5
Reworked. Spooky free dragon.
Burn Out (239)
Cost: 3
➞ 2
Buff to a weird value source we haven't seen much lately.
Sun Son ➞ Sunson (1107)
Name: Sun Son
➞ Sunson
Text: Play: Do 1 Damage to target enemy unit. Give it Blind.
➞ Sunrise: Give the enemy hero Blind.
Prism: wis
➞ int
Spell: None
➞ Godlike
Reworked to try this funky new spell, Godlike.
Octavian (487)
Power: 4
➞ 5
Spell: Floodwater
➞ Anchor Drop
Tweaked to be more of an on-curve play.
Shoal Sprite (979)
Text: Sunset: Gets +1/+1 if you have no mana.
➞ Sunset: Gets +1 Power if you have no mana.
Health: 1
➞ 2
Tweaked to soften the scaling.
Gravekin (1031)
Cost: 5
➞ 4
Power: 4
➞ 3
Spell: Dark Rune
➞ Fate
Buffed down the curve with a synergistic enchant.
Puddo (933)
Cost: 3
➞ 4
Power: 3
➞ 4
Nerfed up the curve to make this chonky hate card less efficient.
Blow Away (7)
Text: Return target unit to hand. Mulligan units in that hand.
➞ Return target unit to hand. Mulligan it.
Narrowing the mulligan effect.
Full Bloom (737)
Cost: 3
➞ 4
Text: Give ally units Animosity.
➞ Give ally units Animosity. Give target ally Shield.
Bumped up the curve with more immediate impact.
Aqua Sword (1060)
Cost: 4
➞ 3
Straight buff, as a reward to people that manage to stick a board.
Garuda (831)
Cost: 7
➞ 5
Text: Glory: Give allies banner.
➞ Glory: Give ally units banner.
Prism: agy
➞ hrt
Power: 5
➞ 4
Health: 7
➞ 5
Bumped down the curve to be more of a brawler.
Shockpaw (709)
Cost: 1
➞ 2
Keywords: stealth
➞ lifesteal
Health: 1
➞ 3
Bumped up the curve with new Supercharge.
Fox Familiar (990)
Keywords: guard
➞ None
Straight nerf to a good dog.
Scryer's Pyre (835)
Cost: 8
➞ 9
I still like the healing buff from last patch, but nerfing the cost.
Tatt (244)
Cost: 5
➞ 4
Text: Glory: Give ally units Shield.
➞ Play: Give target ally Shield.
Power: 5
➞ 4
Reworked as more of a chonky tempo tool.
Hoplite (570)
Health: 3
➞ 2
RIP 3hp frog. Nerfing some armored guard health, to help damage get through to the hero.
Rhumbo (1111)
Health: 5
➞ 4
Nerf to a high performing value unit.
Frigid Blizzard (83)
Cost: 6
➞ 7
Keywords: None
➞ wither
AoE reworks.
Gear Grind (820)
Cost: 3
➞ 4
Nerf to a pretty consistent removal spell that has had a high winrate.
Identity Crisis (300)
Text: Give target unit -2 Power. Swap its power and health. If lethal, dust it.
➞ Give target unit -2 Power. Swap its power and health.
Prism: hrt
➞ int
Has had a good winrate, should be fine without the dusting. I think this was the cheapest dust removal, so people will have to look elsewhere.
Fire Fox (1117)
Text: None
➞ Death: Give your hero Fire Sword.
Keywords: lifesteal
➞ None
Prism: wis
➞ agy
Power: 2
➞ 3
Health: 3
➞ 2
Spell: Fire Sword
➞ Quest
Redesigned as a spooky Quest tempo threat.
Sparky (944)
Cost: 3
➞ 2
Power: 2
➞ 3
Health: 4
➞ 2
Bumped down the curve to a more aggressive statline.
Flame Noble (1120)
Keywords: wither
➞ stealth
Prism: wis
➞ int
Power: 2
➞ 4
Health: 4
➞ 2
Reworked stats and keyword, and the spell lost wither.
Dragomantium (634)
Power: 5
➞ 4
Small nerf. I still have my eye on this one, we'll have to see how Intellect does.
Nessie (905)
Health: 9
➞ 8
Spell: None
➞ Capsize
A spell should give this weird unit more flex.
Castus (948)
Keywords: stealth
➞ guard
Guard should make this more impactful on curve.
Spiderella (763)
Prism: int
➞ agy
Spell: Barrier
➞ Downfall
Trying a new spell, and the immediate impact should be welcome here.
Timber (974)
Power: 3
➞ 2
Nerf to a consistent performer, and a holdout of healing in Intellect.
Shrink Ray (749)
Cost: 2
➞ 3
Text: Reduce target unit to half its power and health, rounded down. If lethal, dust it.
➞ Reduce target unit to half its power and health, rounded down. Do it again. If lethal, dust it.
Buffed up the curve to work as better removal, able to dust 3hp or less.
Canopy Archer (395)
Power: 1
➞ 3
Health: 3
➞ 1
Stats tweaked to be more fragile.
Forest Fire (80)
Text: Do 3 Damage to each unit. For each killed, its hero summons Elderwood.
➞ Do 3 Damage to each unit. For each killed, its hero summons Elderwood with Flames.
Tweaked to burn the Elderwoods now that they're gripped by Roots otherwise.
Hunting Party ➞ On the Hunt (918)
Name: Hunting Party
➞ On the Hunt
Keywords: None
➞ banner
Buffed with banner, which should be nice on a repeat spell.
Soul Forge (896)
Text: Summon a 2/2 armor copy of your left unit in hand.
➞ Summon a 2/2 armor copy of your left unit in hand. Give it Lead.
Mostly a nerf to cheating out expensive units with good attachments, though blocking a copy from getting dusted seems nice.
Clapback (641)
Cost: 3
➞ 4
Text: Do 2 Damage to enemy units. Give your hero Shield.
➞ Do 2 Damage to the back enemy, the front enemy, and the enemy hero.
Searing Flames ➞ Dual Flames (991)
Name: Searing Flames
➞ Dual Flames
Text: Give the front and back enemies Flames with wither.
➞ Give the front and back enemies Flames.
Prism: int
➞ tok
Benched this threat of turn one Mana Vial overwrite.
Niko (593)
Health: 5
➞ 6
sTiLl NiKo
Floodwater (559)
Cost: 9
➞ 10
Text: Return your dead water cards to deck. Draw eight water cards. Dust this spell.
➞ Return your dead water cards to deck. Draw nine water cards. Dust this spell.
Bumped up the curve with one more draw, to nerf the ease-of-use.
Ghost Duster (705)
Cost: 2
➞ 1
Straight buff to grave hate.
Coal Dozer (838)
Power: 1
➞ 2
Health: 3
➞ 2
Spell: None
➞ Vile Vial
Reworked to give Coal Dozer fans one chugga chugga for free.
Spike Slam (1122)
Text: Do 4 Damage to each unit. Return any killed to hand instead.
➞ Do 3 Damage to each unit. Return any killed to hand instead and give them Chains.
AoE tweaks, nerfing the base removal power.
Tabby (1125)
Cost: 1
➞ 2
Keywords: lifesteal
➞ None
Power: 1
➞ 2
Spell: None
➞ Shield
Bumped up the curve to have a more meaningful statline.
Professor (1133)
Keywords: stealth
➞ None
Prism: wis
➞ int
Power: 3
➞ 2
Health: 2
➞ 3
Spell: Barrier
➞ Thought Leader
Reworked to Intellect to spread Thought Leader.
Burninate (250)
Cost: 5
➞ 6
Text: Do 3 Damage to each unit. Give your hero Scorch.
➞ Do 4 Damage to each unit. Give your hero Scorch.
Prism: wis
➞ str
AoE reworks.
Doomsday (1080)
Cost: 7
➞ 6
Buffing a less popular clear, especially now that Fate can't kill heroes.
Grifter (1102)
Text: Glory: Mulligan the enemy hand.
➞ Glory: Mulligan both hands.
In theory, this expanded mulligan effect will nerf the early Glory trigger in Discovery. Though I'm still watching this, as having control over the timing of the trigger may be powerful.
Brainbug (1063)
Cost: 5
➞ 4
Prism: hrt
➞ agy
Another -one.
Capsize (234)
Cost: 3
➞ 2
Buff. I expected this to perform better at 3c than it did, now it's closer to Take Flight.
Libra (1115)
Keywords: armor
➞ None
Health: 4
➞ 7
Spell: Wish Deck
➞ Shield
Reworked to remove some armor, and to remove a source of long-game value, especially when copied.
Dream Dragon (340)
Cost: 5
➞ 8
Text: Gets +1/+2 when returned to your deck.
➞ Has -1c for each element in your hand.
Keywords: guard
➞ stealth
Spell: Waking Dream
➞ Shield
Another spooky free dragon.
Scooter (1046)
Text: None
➞ Sunrise: Draw a spell onto your hero.
Spell: Research
➞ None
Redesigned to less immediately replace itself.
Mootichi (670)
Text: Inspire Spell: Draw a unit with a lower cost than the spell into play.
➞ Inspire Spell: Draw your most expensive unit with a lower cost than the spell into play.
Buffed to draw most expensive.
Leonitus (1105)
Cost: 5
➞ 4
Power: 4
➞ 2
Bumped down the curve, which should help position the disruptive effect.
Vial Vendor (1050)
Cost: 3
➞ 4
Straight nerf, pricing this farter away from Kook Book / Potion Seller.
Zam (474)
Cost: 8
➞ 6
Text: Inspire Spell: Do 2 Damage to a random enemy.
➞ Inspire Spell: Pay 1 mana to do 2 Damage to a random enemy.
Another mana tax nerf, this time with -2c.
Matchstick (502)
Prism: wis
➞ agy
Hax (893)
Prism: agy
➞ int
Montage (865)
Prism: hrt
➞ agy
Deep Cut (787)
Prism: agy
➞ str
Hydrex (693)
Prism: hrt
➞ str
Old Fogey (573)
Prism: wis
➞ hrt
Roothog (760)
Prism: agy
➞ str
Sudden Gust (348)
Prism: tok
➞ agy
Fan Dancer (1000)
Prism: agy
➞ hrt
Beloved (447)
Prism: tok
➞ hrt
Catch! (357)
Prism: agy
➞ str
Shadow Assassin (1075)
Prism: agy
➞ int
Earth Spike (815)
Prism: str
➞ wis
Bolster (711)
Prism: tok
➞ hrt
Deactivate (1023)
Prism: wis
➞ int
Heirlooms (891)
Prism: tok
➞ hrt
Kook Book (191)
Prism: int
➞ agy
Gift of Swords (316)
Prism: str
➞ agy
Shell Officer (1077)
Prism: agy
➞ str
Study (60)
Prism: tok
➞ int
Chief Justice (1026)
Prism: agy
➞ wis
Nefurti (923)
Prism: hrt
➞ wis
Mountain Lion (1030)
Prism: hrt
➞ agy
El Monstruo (764)
Prism: str
➞ int
Spite & Malice (442)
Prism: wis
➞ agy
Gemini (985)
Prism: str
➞ int
Scrollweaver (1079)
Prism: int
➞ wis
It's a Trap! (901)
Prism: int
➞ agy
Grime (1103)
Prism: int
➞ str
Zapeta (272)
Prism: agy
➞ int
Three Lashes (1044)
Prism: str
➞ tok
Enrage (184)
Prism: agy
➞ tok
Archivist (649)
Prism: int
➞ wis
Moonbeam (29)
Prism: int
➞ wis
Stranglehold (1104)
Prism: hrt
➞ str
Ponderous (323)
Prism: int
➞ wis
Lead Goblet (936)
Prism: int
➞ str
Foul Stench (53)
Taykus (397)
Nightmare (903)
Swamp Walker (88)
Glacier Hulk (910)
Fuji (956)
Stir the Kraken (1067)
Blaze (555)
Clash (1078)
Wicked Twister (27)
Krakus (962)
Screech (704)
Maelstrom (1114)
Fury Mask (728)
Tradewinds (781)
Chain Storm (1119)
Volcanic Blast (807)
Dungeon Master (972)

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