Shields Up! - Patch #35
This week brings a number of tweaks and changes to old favorites like Avatar of Light, Frog King, and Burn Out, along with a brand-new Mind Enchant!

- New VS screen, featuring SkyTags! Now you can show off your favorite art in-game.

- Card action previews now show changes to your mana and max mana.

- Plane Ranger no longer breaks when trying to deal damage after it's been returned to the deck.
- Units with
Inspire: Element
effects now have the correct trigger icon.

"Finally adding a positive mind enchant, Combat Shield. This completes the cycle of a positive and negative enchant for each element, with Mana Potions in the role of positive water enchant. Silence buffed. Not all changes listed, such as template only."
New Cards
Modified Cards
Boulder (951)
Keywords: guard
➞ None
Nerf to a high winrate cheap unit, and Lead seems to be upside on average.
Burn Out (239)
Text: Draw three.
Dust your deck.
➞ Dust your deck. Give your hero that much health. Draw three.
Trying a spicy buff. I haven't seen this card lately, and want more playtest data on the decked out state, especially early on in the game.
Spite & Malice (442)
Spell: Dreams Undreamt
Combat Shield
Say hello to Combat Shield. I like that this makes Spite & Malice better to play on curve, instead of waiting to double cast the spell.
Cygnus (1055)
Keywords: armor,lifesteal
➞ lifesteal
Health: 3
➞ 5
Spell: Fate
➞ Combat Shield
Reworked with Combat Shield, and removing more armor.
Avatar of Light (245)
Cost: 1
➞ 2
Text: Inspire Light: Give your hero +2 Health.
Inspire Light: Give your hero +3
Finally hit with the base cost nerf, to make it harder to find and recur. Trying +3 health per trigger again as compensation.
Talonous (707)
Cost: 5
➞ 4
Attack: 5
➞ 3
Health: 6
➞ 5
More squashing of the curve.
Cosmicon (1020)
Spell: Fate
➞ Combat Shield
Combat Shield can also pick up some the work Fate was doing on mind units.
Thought Leader (791)
Keywords: None
➞ banner
Small buff to give this some impact when cast.
Silence (989)
Text: This character's triggers can't trigger.
This character's effect is disabled.
Expanded to disable all effects, not just triggers, as a buff to Silence and counterplay. We're expanding the effect icons to mark all effects that matter in play. Some cards are likely missing icons this patch, but Silence should still work on them.
Frog King (841)
Keywords: stealth
➞ banner
Keyword swap, more regal, easier to clean up.
Carbonite (585)
Cost: 1
➞ 2
Attack: 1
➞ 2
Giving your hero armor is a bit much for a 1c unit, moving up the curve. Like Avatar of Light, this makes Carbonite harder to find and harder to recur.
Sparky (944)
Spell: Clapback
➞ Lightning Vial
Spell tweaked to be able to use Lifesteal.
Garuda (831)
Text: Glory: Give ally units banner.
Glory: Give allies banner.
Reverted to banner buff the hero, to raise the threat level on this expensive glory.
Dazzle (920)
Text: Give enemy units Dazed.
➞ Give enemy units Dazed.
Give your hero Combat Shield.
Another place to try Combat Shield.
Toil & Trouble (1003)
Text: Give ally units +1 Attack.
Do 1 Damage to enemies.
➞ Give ally units +1 Attack. Do 1 Damage to enemy units.
Removing face damage as a small nerf.
Niko (593)
Cost: 2
➞ 1
Health: 4
➞ 3
Curve futzing after losing armor, this makes the rate on the first Chain Toss more aggressive.
Hoodwink (977)
Text: Give units of target unit's element Dazed and -1/-1.
➞ Give target unit -1/-1.
Give enemies of its element Dazed.
Nerfing the stat reduction potential, but no longer hurts your own units.
Prism Shifts
Hoplite (570)
Prism: wis
➞ str
Nefurti (923)
Prism: wis
➞ hrt
Removed Cards
Ponderous (323)
Swamp Walker (88)
Krystal (621)
Fish (954)
Volcanic Blast (807)

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