Voodoo Shroom - Patch #30

- Buying, selling, and trading has resumed
- Players can now enter Master rank from Archon

"First balance patch notes of 2020! Small patch, just some housekeeping after the break as we ramp up for Intellect. Not all changes included, such as template changes. (In particular, I reordered a few buffs so that enchants are given before keywords, for better Chains counterplay)."
Zap (493)
Keywords: lifesteal,wither
=> lifesteal
The time has come for Zap to lose wither. RIP Swamp Walker combo, but also stealth nerf to Puddo.
Supercharge (778)
Text: Give ally units Zap.
=> Give ally units Zap and lifesteal.
Small buff to counteract the Zap nerf.
Snakeweaver (978)
Attack: 1
=> 2
Simple stat buff, has felt small.
Mothermander (694)
Cost: 7
=> 6
Health: 6
=> 4
Nerfed Firemander to 1/2 so it can be used more aggressively as a token.
Eclipse (887)
Text: Death: Draw an armor unit, lifesteal unit, and wither unit.
=> Death: Draw an armor card, lifesteal card, and wither card.
Expanded to not just draw units, since at least lifesteal and wither are on spells.
Queen of Jacks (788)
Health: 7
=> 6
Small stat nerf.
Zoomie (830)
Cost: 6
=> 4
Attack: 6
=> 4
Same role just bumped down the curve. This is in part to lower the average curve in Discovery, though there's still more work to be done towards that end.
Firemander (574)
Health: 3
=> 2
Has been a tier 1 one-drop for a while. Making some space for other units, and I want to use Firemander more as a token.
Insomnia (961)
Cost: 6
=> 5
Nerf reverted, have had a really hard time putting this in my deck at 6c.
Full Bloom (737)
Text: Give ally units lifesteal and Ent Mask.
=> Give ally units Ent Mask and guard.
Tweaked to guard buff, since the lifesteal buff was moved to Supercharge.
Seal of Doom (572)
Cost: 3
=> 4
Text: Lose 2 max mana. Give each unit -6/-6.
=> Lose 2 max mana. Give each unit -8/-8.
Tweaked to be a better sweeper, I imagine the extra mana won't hurt this spell's role much.
Cloud Kid (921)
Text: Summon: Give your left and right card in hand -1c.
=> Summon: Give your left and right spell in hand -1c.
Tweaked to only discount spells. Less of a freeroll in deckbuilding, and softer RNG in opening hand order. And in general, I prefer discounting spells over units.
Trident True (1001)
Text: Summon: Gets Big Mana Potion if you have no mana.
=> Summon: Gets Mana Potion and guard if you have no mana.
Tweaked to be less explosive early, but guard adds some incentive to hit empty mana in the late game.
Drag Down (799) moved to Int

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