Tried & True - Patch #29
The final patch of the year! 🤶 As the title may imply, we thank you for your continued loving support as we iterate and expand our humble card game. If you haven't seen it yet, we just released our year end letter summarizing the very eventful 2019 year! Happy holidays everyone☃️

Trying for a stable format we can leave alone over the holidays. Some safety nerfs to reign in a few strategies. Some holiday buffs, especially on more expensive units. Not all changes included, such as prism shifts or names.
Reefus (123)
Prism: hrt
=> wis
Health: 6
=> 5
King Rex (150)
Attack: 11
=> 13
Holiday Buff
Undragon (152)
Attack: 8
=> 7
Slight nerf to a consistent include.
Avatar of Light (245)
Text: Inspire Light: Give your hero +3 Health.
=> Inspire Light: Give your hero +2 Health.
The heal nerf has finally come, though the spell Trinity Link is 1c again.
Tiamat (477)
Spell: None
=> Burn to a Crisp
Holiday Buff
Scythe Mantis (518)
Attack: 6
=> 7
Holiday Buff (Philippe has been good this year)
Musashi (542)
Text: Glory: Give your left card in hand -4c.
=> Glory: Give your left and right unit in hand -1c.
Health: 4
=> 3
Spell: None
=> Whelm
Tweaked to carry a spell, should give this more impact.
Frank (591)
Text: Start Turn: Dust your top two dead units to gain +4 Health.
=> Start Turn: Dust your top two dead units to get +4 Health.
Attack: 4
=> 5
Holiday Buff
Jar of Souls (805)
Cost: 6
=> 7
This is a safety nerf to give other strategies some room, should still be good at its role.
Scraggy (287)
Attack: 3
=> 4
Holiday Buff
Tripsnare (678)
Text: Give sleeping enemies Roots.
=> Give sleeping enemies Roots. Give enchants on enemies +1c.
Been low impact for a while. I like the design space of enchant cost manipulation.
Hail of Arrows (683)
Text: Do 2 Damage to enemies. Give units in the enemy hand +1c.
=> Do 2 Damage to enemies. If you have no mana, give units in the enemy hand +1c.
Nerf to a consisten sweeper, with a familiar mechanic.
Polar Bear (687)
Attack: 5
=> 3
Health: 4
=> 7
Stat rework to be more unique.
Titanic (999)
Text: None
=> Glory: Fights the unit to the enemy hero's left.
Glory buff should help to clear while also gaining life.
Bogi Bogi (615)
Text: Play: Put target 1c or less unit in your deck.
=> Play: Steal target 1c or less unit to your deck.
Keywords: wither
=> lifesteal,wither
Holiday Buff
Great Gusto (453)
Health: 4
=> 5
Holiday Buff
Griff Scout (285)
Spell: None
=> Bolster
Holiday Buff
Khan (971)
Attack: 3
=> 4
Holiday Buff
Octavian (487)
Text: Play: Give your hero +X Health. (Your mana.)
=> Play: Give your hero health equal to your mana.
Keywords: None
=> banner
Holiday Buff
Wall of Dead (351)
Cost: 7
=> 6
I take it back. Unnerfed.
Arcadeum Mask (110)
Health: 5
=> 6
Holiday Buff (Taking fatigue damage from conjures was a nerf.)
Cleo (733)
Cost: 3
=> 4
Text: Death: Summon Royal Mummy.
=> Death: Summon Royal Mummy with Spell Shield.
Spell: None
=> Spell Shield
Winrate was been consistently high at 3c, trying a 4c version largely to give other cards some room.
Bathe (819)
Text: Target hero conjures a water spell and gets health equal to the spell's cost.
=> Target hero conjures a water spell. Your hero gains health equal to the spell's cost.
Buffed so you always gain the health, even if you make the enemy take a bath.
Ponderous (323)
Attack: 2
=> 1
Stat nerf, the effect and spell do a lot of work.
Bloombark (469)
Text: Summon: Give units in your hand guard.
=> None
Chinook (77)
Keywords: None
=> wither
Add wither to nerf draw.
Blood Hunter (782)
Health: 4
=> 5
Holiday Buff
Foul Stench (53)
Text: Draw a wither card. Do 1 Damage to non-wither units.
=> Do 1 Damage to non-wither units. If lethal, draw one wither card.
Nerfed so that you have to kill something to draw, more difficult to cycle.
Auntuga (1037)
Cost: 3
=> 4
Health: 3
=> 4
Slowing this one down, it has done well.
Plane Ranger (326)
Health: 3
=> 4
Holiday Buff
Archeloth (632)
Health: 4
=> 5
Holiday Buff
Roothog (760)
Attack: 6
=> 7
Holiday Buff
Dungeon Master (972)
Attack: 5
=> 6
Holiday Buff
Tianlong (963)
Keywords: lifesteal
=> lifesteal,wither
Attack: 4
=> 3
Health: 4
=> 3
Traded some stats for a keyword to reflect spell.
Forcefield (930)
Text: Give allies Spell Shield and +1 Health.
=> Give ally units Spell Shield.
Nerf to focus only on the enchant, though it no longer overwrites your hero spell.
Sensei (95)
Keywords: stealth
=> None
Health: 5
=> 6
Moving this combo killer to the frontline with bulkier stats.
Rhumbo (65)
Health: 6
=> 7
Holiday Buff
Taykus (397)
Attack: 2
=> 3
Holiday Buff
Snaptrap (798)
Text: If a target is sleeping, give it Chains. Do 2 Damage to it.
=> If target unit is sleeping, give it Chains. Do 2 Damage to it.
Nerf, can only target unit. Chains can threaten face damage by removing guard anyway.
Cosmicon (1020)
Keywords: lifesteal
=> stealth
Stealth should make this more annoying.
Arise! => Raise Arms (377)
Text: Dust target hero's top two dead units to summon two Royal Mummy. Give them Spell Shield.
=> Dust target hero's top two dead units to summon two Royal Mummy.
Nerfed another consistent performer. (I still want to differentiate this from Sphynx Mask.)
Infurno (608)
Health: 3
=> 4
Holiday Buff (The spell was nerfed.)
Inspirator (470)
Text: When an ally unit plays a spell, give it +1/+1.
=> Give an ally unit +1/+1 when you play its spell.
Keywords: lifesteal
=> None
A nerf similar to Ponderous, to focus on the powerful effect and spell.
Leo (1030)
Cost: 8
=> 7
Attack: 6
=> 5
Buff down the curve.
Sick Burn (690)
Keywords: None
=> wither
Holiday Buff
Fury Mask (728)
Text: Your hero fights target unit. If lethal, give your hero +6 Health.
=> Your hero fights target unit. If lethal, give your hero +4 Health.
Nerf to the heal.
Charkram (761)
Text: Do 2 Damage to target unit. If lethal, give this spell to your hero with +1c.
=> Do 2 Damage to target unit. If lethal, do 1 Damage to your hero and give it this spell with +1c.
Nerf to catching the Charkram.
Rage Cage (1053)
Keywords: armor,wither
=> armor
Nerf to simplify.
Run Wild (220)
Earth Warden (945)

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