Community Tournament #1
Hope you are all having a great day! Patch #82 will be deployed soon and lots of exciting things are coming to Skyweaver. But, I have something juicier to mention.

What we REALLY wanted to happen before the end of the year was a taste of competition, and the possibilities a game like Skyweaver can offer to its competitive community.
So, we are pleased to announce our first Soft Launch tournament, alongside our partners Polygon and Community Gaming. It'll take place on the 18th and 19th of December, with a nice prize pool of 5000 USDC plus a bunch of Silver and Gold cards to the winners.
Click or tap here for more details and enroll now! It's a Discovery-format tournament, so no big demands on having a Constructed deck right now (and we'll have lots of Constructed Tournaments soon), and everyone can participate. You have some time now to practice in the Discovery queues!
Also, big kudos to MissaurusRex and the SkyChampions team, friends from this community that were working hard into making Skyweaver competitive, entertaining and fair!
See you in the battlefields of Sky!

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